The AVETH Basel-​Zurich Travel Fund for D-BSSE

In order to establish stronger connections between Basel and Zurich Scientific Staff, and in response to increasing requests for financial support to attend events, the VMB and AVETH have initiated a pilot project for a Basel-Zurich Travel Fund.

AVETH (The Association of Scientific Staff at ETH, of which VMB is the local branch at D-BSSE) has provided funding support aimed at assisting with travel between Basel and Zurich for Scientific Staff from the BSSE to attend ETH events which are not course- or academic workshop-related. The goal is to improve access and attendance to ETH events such as AVETH social events (Board game nights, salsa night, etc.), Career Weeks, PolyHack, Poly-E-Job Fairs, among others.

Eligibility: PhD Students, PostDocs, and other Scientific Staff at the D-BSSE with AVETH membership only.

Form: You can find more information, as well as a template for the reimbursement application Download here (PDF, 217 KB).

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