All stories by UZH communications
Key driver for epithelial cancer development identified
A distinct signalling pathway mediated by a molecule called TNF-α drives the transformation of epithelial cells into aggressive tumour cells. During cancer progression, cells activate their own TNF-α programme and become invasive. This finding could help to improve early detection and treatment of patients with cancers in skin, oesophagus, bladder, or colon, as UZH researchers in collaboration with the group of Andreas Moor state in a study published by Nature.
First comprehensive single-cell atlas of human teeth
Researchers from the Institute of Oral Biology, University of Zurich, and the Systems Physiology lab of Andreas Moor at D-BSSE have mapped the first complete atlas of single cells that make up the human teeth. Their research shows that the composition of human dental pulp and periodontist vary greatly. The findings open up new avenues for cell-based dental therapeutic approaches.