
The LAF hosts six robotic liquid handling systems (room U1.10), an automated wide-field microscope equipped a robotic plate changer (room 1.56) and several standalone devices (room 2.16). 

Laboratory automation facility (U1.10)

The laboratory in building WRO1058 room U1.10 is separed into two compartments. The Hamilton mammalian cell culture systems H0 and H1 are operated in a compartment with elevated air pressure (shown in purple), to isolate them from the other robots that work with microbial samples. The Tecan robots T0 and T1 are located side-by-side and can exchange microplates directly. Two additional Hamliton pipetting systems H2 and H3 for biochemical assays and simple pipetting tasks are available.

Laboratory for high-throughput imaging (1.56)

The laboratory is located in building WRO1058 room 1.56. This room is certified for BSL2 use.

Laboratory for standalone devices (2.16)

The standalone devices are located in building WRO1058 room 2.16. All instruments in this room are to be used with BSL1 samples only. If any of the standalone devices is required under BSL2 conditions, it can be temporarily placed into room 1.56.

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