Celebrating Costanza Borrelli's Successful PhD Defense

Join us in congratulating Costanza Borrelli for her exceptional PhD defense! Costanza has conducted pioneering research, notably establishing a single-cell RNA-sequencing protocol and developing an innovative CRISPR screen.

Portraits of Costanza Borrelli

The SyPhy Group is delighted to announce the successful defense of Costanza Borrelli's PhD thesis. Costanza's journey through her doctoral studies has been characterized by great dedication, innovation, and outstanding contributions to our research community. Her pioneering work includes the establishment of a single-cell RNA-sequencing protocol, which has provided comprehensive insights into tissue eosinophils (read more about it external page here), and the development of an innovative CRISPR screen for studying cancer host-tissue interactions during metastatic seeding (find the preprint external page here).  We are immensely proud to have celebrated this milestone alongside her. Congratulations, Costanza, on this well-deserved achievement! Your accomplishments inspire us all, and we eagerly anticipate the continued impact of your work in the scientific community.

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