SyPhy Lab Wins ETH Zurich Lymphoma Challenge Grant!
The SyPhy Lab, in collaboration with long-term partner Prof. Dr. med. Thorsten Zenz, has been awarded the ETH Zurich Lymphoma Challenge Grant to advance lymphoma research.

We are thrilled to announce that the SyPhy Lab has been awarded the ETH Zurich Lymphoma Challenge Grant! This interdisciplinary funding supports research into lymphomas and other hematological malignancies. Partnering once again with our long-term collaborator, Prof. Dr. med. Thorsten Zenz from the University Hospital Zurich, and with PhD student Marcel Pohly and Dr. Xenia Ficht as junior investigators, we will embark on a two-year project titled Spatial Profiling of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma to Predict CAR-T Cell Response.
By combining clinical and experimental expertise, we aim to make significant progress toward improving treatment pathways for lymphoma patients, with the goal of translating insights from bench to bedside. We are grateful for this opportunity and excited to begin this important work!