Microelectrode-arrays help to distinguish between healthy and diseased neurons
Recent advances in cellular reprogramming have opened a route to studying the fundamental mechanisms underlying common neurological disorders. Advances in the development of so-called high-density microelectrode-arrays provide an unprecedented means to study neuronal physiology at different scales. Researchers from the Bio Engineering Lab, led by Andreas Hierlemann, now used these devices to characterise healthy and diseased (stem-cell-derived) human neurons.
Find external page original article in Advanced Biology; find news article on the BEL website.
Learn about the Bio Engineering Lab (BEL) led by Andreas Hierlemann.

Cover image "Neuronal Highways" of the Journal of Advanced Biology (in prep.). ©M Oeggerli (Micronaut 2020), supported by Pathology University Hospital Basel, Bio EM Lab, Biozentrum, University Basel.