BEL Spinoff MaxWell Biosystems cleared 3rd stage of "Venture Kick"
BEL spin-off company MaxWell Biosystems AG successfully cleared 3rd round of Venture Kick competition and received 100'000 CHF.

High-density microelectrode array system as marketed by MaxWell Biosystems.

Jan Müller, Urs Frey, Marie Obien, and Michele Fiscella successfully cleared the 3rd and final round of the Venture Kick competition with their spin-off company MaxWell Biosystems AG and received another 100'000 CHF for their company. The company external page MaxWell Biosystems AG commercializes high-density microelectrode array technology developed at BEL.
external page Venture Kick finances the first steps of the realization of a business idea with a total of up to CHF 130'000 in three rounds. In addition, the spin-off companies receive professional support of experienced experts.