BEL Spinoffs prominently represented at "10 Years Venture Kick" Celebration

BEL Spin-offs Zurich Instruments, InSphero, and MaxWell Biosystems were selected to pitch their success stories at "10 Years Venture Kick" celebration.
Article on detection of individual axonal action potentials in "eLIFE"

Article by Milos Radivojevic, Felix Franke et al. on "Tracking individual action potentials throughout mammalian axonal arbors" published in journal eLIFE.
Spinoff MaxWell Biosystems among Swiss Top 100 startups

The youngest BEL spinoff, MaxWell Biosystems AG, founded 2016, was ranked No. 78 in the Swiss Top 100 Startup Competition 2017.
BEL spin-off MaxWell Biosystems at ETH Zurich Industry Day

BEL spin-off MaxWell Biosystems presented their activities at "ETH Zurich Industry Day 2017". Around 550 representatives from industry and business met with scientists.
SystemsX movie starring Michele Fiscella

SystemsX movie 'An eye on the microchip' features the retina work of Michele Fiscella's interdisciplinary PhD thesis, a work which combines microelectronics technology and electrical engineering with retinal neurobiology and neuroscience.
Master thesis award to Elise Aeby

Best Master Thesis 2016 Award by the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel to Elise Aeby.
BEL Spinoff MaxWell Biosystems cleared 3rd stage of "Venture Kick"

BEL spin-off company MaxWell Biosystems AG successfully cleared 3rd round of Venture Kick competition and received 100'000 CHF.
BEL contributed to paper in "Nature Neuroscience"

BEL high-density microelectrode array technology was used to investigate retina-dependent and independent visual motion computations in the mouse cortex, as published recently in Nature Neuroscience.
New multifunctional CMOS microelectrode array system published in *IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits"

New multi-functional microelectrode array system featuring 59’760 electrodes, 2048 electrophysiology channels, impedance and neurotransmitter measurement units, as well as stimulation units was published in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.
Large-scale integration of carbon nanotubes with CMOS published in "Advanced Materials"

Article on large-scale integration of carbon nanotubes with custom-designed CMOS microelectrode arrays was published in Advanced Materials.
Maxwell Biosystems selected for 2017 "Venture Leaders" life science team

MaxWell Biosystems selected as one of Switzerland’s most innovative start-ups to join Venture Leaders in Life Sciences to go to Boston for “business boosting” week.
ERC proof-of-concept grant to BEL

ERC proof-of-concept grant application titled "Multi-well High-resolution Electrophysiology Platform" (MwHresEP) was retained for funding.