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Lab members in bold. Paper links in blue. Updated November 2024
(38) external page Molecular programs guiding arealization of descending cortical pathways. Abe P, Lavalley A, Morassut I, Santinha A.J., Roig-Puiggros S, Javed A, Klingler E, Baumann N, Prados J, Platt RJ & JabaudonD. Nature (2024)
(37) external page Multimodal scanning of genetic variants with base and prime editing. Belli O, Karava K, Farouni R, and Platt RJ. Nature Biotechnology (2024).
(36) external page In vivo interaction screening reveals liver-derived constranits to metastasis. Borrelli C, Roberts M, Eletto D, Hussherr MD, Fazilaty H, Valenta T, Lafzi A, Kretz J.A, Guido Vinzoni E, Karakatsani A, Adivarahan S, Mannhart A, Kimura S, Meijs A, Baccouche Mhamedi F, Acar I.E, Handler K, Ficht X, Platt RJ, Piscuoglio S, Moor A. Nature (2024).
(35) external page Using CRISPR to study gene function aids understanding of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Santinha, A.J. and Platt RJ. Nature (2023).
(34) external page Transcriptional linkage analysis with in vivo AAV-Perturb-seq. Santinha, A.J., Klingler, E., Kuhn, M. et al. Nature (2023).
(33) external page CRISPR for neuroscientists. Kalamakis G and Platt RJ. Neuron (2023)
(32) external page Microbial medics: engineered bacteria that diagnose, monitor and treat intestinal inflammation. Tanna T and Platt RJ. Cell Host & Microbe (2023)
(31) external page Non-invasive assessment of gut function with transcriptional recording sentinel cells. Schmidt F*, Zimmermann J*, Tanna T*, Farouni R, Conway T, Macpherson AJ^, Platt RJ^. Science (2022) *co-first ^co-last
external page Science Perspective | external page Nat Rev Micro | ETH News | | external page Insel News | external page BRCCH News | external page GEN News | external page Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. | external page Nat. Chem. Biol
(30) external page An in vivo CRISPR screen identifies stepwise genetic dependencies of metastatic progression. Scheidmann MC, Castro-Giner F, Paasinen-Sohns A, Strittmatter K, Krol I, Scherrer R, Donato C, Szczerba BM, Gkountela S, Kunz L, Schroeder T, Vetter M, Rochlitz C, Platt RJ, Aceto N. Cancer Research (2022)
(29) external page MiR-137 and miR-122, two outer subventricular zone-enriched non-coding RNAs, regulate basal progenitor expansion and neuronal differentiation. Tomasello U, Klingler E, Niquille M, Mule N, de Vevey L, Prados J, Santinha AJ, Platt RJ, Borrell V, Jabaudon D, Dayer A. Cell Reports (2022)
(28) external page Temporal controls over inter-areal cortical projection neuron fate diversity. Klingler E, Prados J, Kebschull J M, Santinha AJ, Platt RJ, Dayer A, Zador AM, Jabaudon D. Nature (2021)
(27) external page Multiplexed genome engineering with Cas12a. Weisbach NR, Meijs A, Platt RJ. Methods in Molecular Biology (2021)
(26) external page Recording biological information with CRISPR-Cas systems. Cherepkova MY, Tanna T, Platt RJ. American Society for Microbiology (2022)
(25) external page Moving from in vitro to in vivo CRISPR screens. Kuhn M, Santinha AJ, Platt RJ. Gene and Genome Editing (2021)
(24) external page Voices of biotech research. Annabi N, Baker M, Boettiger A, Chakraborty D, Chen Y, Corbett KS, Correia B, Dahlman J, de Oliveira T, Ertuerk A, Yanik MF, Henaff E, Huch M, Iliev ID, Jacobs T, Junca H, Keung A, Kolodkin-Gal I, Krishnaswamy S, Lancaster M, Macosko E, Martínez-Núñez MA, Miura K, Molloy J, Ochoa Cruz A, Platt RJ, Posey AD, Shao H, Simunovic M, Slavov N, Takebe T, Vandenberghe LH, Varshney RK, Wang J. Nature Biotechnology (2021)
(23) external page Regulation of AMP synthesis by a KCTD13 ubiquitin ligase connects 16p11.2 deletion syndrome to a metabolic disorder with autistic features. Madison J, Duong K, Vieux E, Udeshi N, Iqbal S, Requadt E, Fereshetian S, Lewis M, Gomes A, Pierce K, Platt RJ, Zhang F, Campbell A, Lal D, Wagner F, Clish C, Carr S, Sheng M, Scolnick E, Cottrell J. iScience (2021)
(22) external page Engineered bacteria to report gut function: technologies and implementation. Tanna T*, Ramachanderan R*, Platt RJ. Current Opinion in Microbiology (2020) *co-first

(21) external page Recording transcriptional histories using Record-seq. Tanna T*, Schmidt F*, Cherepkova MY, Okoniewski M, Platt RJ. Nature Protocols (2020) *co-first [paper resources]
(20) external page CRISPR tool modifies genes precisely by copying RNA into the genome. Platt RJ. Nature (2019)
(19) external page Linking human phenotype to genotype with single-cell genomics. Camp JG, Platt RJ, Treutlein B. Science (2019)
(18) external page Multiplexed genome engineering by Cas12a and CRISPR arrays encoded on single transcripts. Campa CC*, Weisbach NR*, Santinha A, Incarnato D, Platt RJ. Nature Methods (2019) *co-first [paper resources]
(17) external page Transcriptional recording by CRISPR spacer acquisition from RNA. Schmidt F, Cherepkova MY, Platt RJ. Nature (2018) [paper resources]
external page The Scientist | external page Nature | external page Nature Biotechnology | external page Nature Methods | external page Nature Chemical Biology | ETH News
(16) external page Mapping a functional cancer genome atlas of tumor suppressors in mouse liver using AAV-CRISPR–mediated direct in vivo screening. Wang G*, Chow RD*, Ye L, Guzman CD, Dai X, Dong MB, Zhang F, Sharp PA, Platt RJ^, Chen S^. Science Advances (2018) *co-first ^co-corresponding
(15) external page AAV-mediated direct in vivo CRISPR screen identifies functional suppressors in glioblastoma. Chow RD*, Guzman CD*, Wang G*, Schmidt F*, Youngblood MW, Ye L, Errami Y, Dong MB, Martinez MA, Zhang S, Renauer P, Bilguvar K, Gunel M, Sharp PA, Zhang F, Platt RJ^, Chen S^. Nature Neuroscience (2017) *co-first ^co-corresponding (external page deposited on bioRxiv)
(14) external page Applications of CRISPR-Cas for synthetic biology and genetic recording. Schmidt F, Platt RJ. Current Opinion in Systems Biology (2017)
(13) external page Thyroid hormone receptor beta and NCOA4 regulate terminal erythrocytedifferentiation. Gao X, Lee HY, Li W, Platt RJ, Barrasa MI, Ma Q, Elmes RR, Rosenfeld MG, Lodish HF. PNAS (2017)
(12) external page Chd8 mutation leads to autistic-like behaviors and impaired striatal circuits. Platt RJ^, Zhou Y, Slaymaker IM, Shetty AS, Weisbach NR, Kim JA, Sharma J, Desai M, Sood S, Kempton HR, Crabtre GR, Feng G, Zhang F^. Cell Reports (2017) ^co-corresponding
(11) external page Genome-Scale CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout and Transcriptional Activation Screening. Joung J, Konermann S, Gootenberg J, Abudayyeh O, Platt RJ, Sanjana NE, Brigham MD, Zhang F. Nature Protocols (2017) (external page deposited on bioRxiv)
(10) external page Microfluidic device for the formation of optically excitable, three-dimensional, compartmentalized motor units. Uzel SG, Platt RJ, Subramanian V, Pearl TM, Rowlands CJ, Chan V, Boyer LA, So PT, Kamm RD. Science Advances (2016)
(9) external page Optogenetic skeletal muscle-powered adaptive biological machines. Raman R, Cvetkovic C, Uzel SG, Platt RJ, Sengupta P, Kamm RD, Bashir R. PNAS (2016)
(8) external page A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in Primary Immune Cells to Dissect Regulatory Networks. Parnas O, Jovanovic M, Eisenhaure TM, Herbst RH, Dixit A, Ye CJ, Przybylski D, Platt RJ, Tirosh I, Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Satija R, Raychowdhury R, Mertins P, Carr SA, Zhang F, Hacohen N, Regev A. Cell (2015)
(7) external page Therapeutic genome editing: prospects and challenges. Cox DB, Platt RJ, Zhang F. Nature Methods (2015)

(6) external page CRISPR-Cas9 knockin mice for genome editing and cancer modeling. Platt RJ, Chen S, Zhou Y, Yim MJ, Swiech L, Kempton HR, Dahlman JE, Parnas O, Eisenhaure TM, Jovanovic M, Graham DB, Jhunjhunwala S, Heidenreich M, Xavier RJ, Langer R, Anderson DG, Hacohen N, Regev A, Feng G, Sharp PA, Zhang F. Cell (2014) [paper resources]
(5) external page Efficient CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing in Plasmodium falciparum. Wagner JC, Platt RJ, Goldfless SJ, Zhang F, Niles JC. Nature Methods (2014)
(4) external page From molecular phylogeny towards differentiating pharmacology for NMDA receptor subtypes. Platt RJ, Curtice KJ, Twede VD, Watkins M, Gruszczyński P, Bulaj G, Horvath MP, Olivera BM. Toxicon (2014)
(3) external page Optical control of mammalian endogenous transcription and epigenetic states. Konermann S, Brigham MD, Trevino AE, Hsu PD, Heidenreich M, Cong L, Platt RJ, Scott DA, Church GM, Zhang F. Nature (2013)
(2) external page Conantokins derived from the Asprella clade impart conRl-B, an N-methyl d-aspartate receptor antagonist with a unique selectivity profile for NR2B subunits. Gowd KH, Han TS, Twede V, Gajewiak J, Smith MD, Watkins M, Platt RJ, Toledo G, White HS, Olivera BM, Bulaj G. Biochemistry (2012)
(1) external page Stapling mimics noncovalent interactions of γ-carboxyglutamates in conantokins, peptidic antagonists of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors. Platt RJ, Han TS, Green BR, Smith MD, Skalicky J, Gruszczynski P, White HS, Olivera B, Bulaj G, Gajewiak J. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012)