Principal Investigator

Barbara Treutlein studied chemistry at the Universities of Tübingen and Mainz and at UC Berkeley in 2001-2007. From 2007-2012, she performed her doctoral research in single-molecule biophysics with Jens Michaelis at LMU Munich, Germany. During her Postdoc with Stephen Quake at Stanford University from 2012-2014, she pioneered the use of microfluidic-based single-cell transcriptomics to dissect the cellular composition of complex tissues, and to elucidate differentiation pathways during lung development and cell reprogramming. 2015-2018, she was a Max Planck Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and held a tenure-track assistant professorship at TU Munich. Since 2019, Barbara is Professor for Quantitative Developmental Biology at the ETH Zürich D-BSSE, Switzerland. Her group uses and develops single-cell genomics approaches in combination with stem cell based 2- and 3-dimensional culture systems to study human organogenesis. For her work, Barbara has received multiple awards including the Friedmund Neumann Prize of the Schering Foundation and the Dr. Susan Lim Award for Outstanding Young Investigator of the International Society of Stem Cell Research.
Senior Scientific Assistant
Long term guest Postdocs

Leander Dony
PhD Students
Shared project PhD Students
Guest PhD Students
Master Students

Chen Chen

Xinyi Chen

Lennart Dignas

Ine Marie Esbensen

Marina Grimmeisen

Philip Schulz

Nora Wang
Student helper

Liubov Riabina

Yingyue Liang
Lab Manager/Technician