Current Courses
Fall Semester Courses 2022
Course descriptions
Computational Systems Biology: Stochastic Approaches
This course is concerned with the development of computational methods for modeling, simulation, and analysis of stochasticity in living cells. Using these tools, the course explores the richness of stochastic phenomena, how it arises from the interactions of dynamics and noise, and its biological implications.
Interdisciplinary Biotechnology
Interdisciplinary Biotechnology is designed to provide a common frame of reference for all novel biotechnology students who have come to Basel. The content consists of an overview of the scope of the 3rd year Biotechnology BSc.
Current Topics in Biosystems Science and Engineering
This seminar features invited lecturers about recent advances and developments in systems biology, including topics from biology, bioengineering, and computational biology. It provides an overview of current systems biology research.
Linear Algebra with Applications to Systems Biology
The course presents concepts and tools from linear algebra and linear programming together with applications to systems biology. The course builds on freshman courses Mathematical Foundations: Mathematical Analysis I and II. The objective is to give the student a solid background in the theory and applications of linear algebra and linear programming with particular emphasis and motivating examples from systems biology.