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MLCB moved to the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry

The Machine Learning and Computational Biology lab moved to the external page Max ​Planck Institute for Biochemistry in February 2023. This page is outdated.

Area of research

Picture of Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt
Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt

Big Data Analysis and Biomedical Research meet in our lab: We develop novel Data Mining Algorithms to detect patterns and statistical dependencies in large datasets from Biology and Medicine.

We are working towards two central goals: To enable the automatic generation of new knowledge from Big Data through Machine Learning, and to gain an understanding of the relationship between the function of Biological Systems and their molecular properties. This understanding is of fundamental importance for Personalized Medicine, which tailors medical treatment to the molecular properties of each patient.



The source code and data sets of our research projects can be downloaded from our external page GitHub repository. More information on the individual projects can be found here.

Significant Pattern Mining

We develop methods that discover significant patterns in high dimensional datasets while being runtime efficient and statistically sound. Our algorithms can be applied to graphs or collections of sequences and allow to account for dependencies between objects, to control the Family-Wise Error Rate and to correct for categorical covariates. More about our work on Significant Pattern Mining can be found here.


MLFPM logo

We are coordinating the Marie Curie Initial Training Network "Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine" (external page MLFPM).


easyGWAS logo

easyGWAS Our online platform for computing, storing, sharing, analyzing and comparing the results of genome-wide association studies.

MLCB news

MLFPM Symposium on October 18-19 in Munich

Congratulations, Dr. Horn!

New lab member

SPHN/PHRT Funding for National Data Stream project

New publication in Nature Medicine: Direct antimicrobial resistance prediction from clinical MALDI-TOF mass spectra using machine learning

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