MLCB news archive
MLFPM Symposium on October 18-19 in Munich
The "grand finale" of our Innovative Training Network on "Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine" is taking place in person at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich on October 18 and 19, 2022.
Congratulations, Dr. Horn!
On September 23, 2022, Max defended his excellent PhD thesis entitled "Representation Learning for Dimensionality Reduction, Irregularly-Sampled Sequences and Graphs".
New lab member
Philip Hartout (ETH Zürich) joins the group as PhD student. Welcome!
SPHN/PHRT Funding for National Data Stream project
The project "Personalized, data-driven prediction and assessment of infection-related outcomes in Swiss ICUs (IICU)", led by Karsten Borgwardt (ETHZ) and Adrian Egli (University Hospital Basel), has been selected as National Data Stream. SPHN and PHRT will jointly fund the project with 5 mio. CHF.
New publication in Nature Medicine: Direct antimicrobial resistance prediction from clinical MALDI-TOF mass spectra using machine learning
In their latest publication, Caroline, Karsten and their collaborators from the University Hospital Basel developed Machine Learning methods for MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry data to detect antibiotic resistance. This work has now been published in Nature Medicine.
Catherine appointed Assistant Professor of Biomedical Data Science at ETH
Catherine Jutzeler-Walter joins the Department of Health Sciences and Technology of ETH as assistant professor.
Congratulations, Dr. Moor!
On December 14, Michael defended his excellent PhD thesis entitled "Machine Learning on Clinical Time Series: Classification and Representation Learning".
Congratulations, Dr. Weis!
On December 14, Caroline Weis spleditly defended her PhD thesis "MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry based clinical antimicrobial resistance prediction using machine learning".
Congratulations, Dr. Gumbsch!
On December 13, Thomas Gumbsch defended his excellent PhD thesis entitled "Longitudinal pattern mining for the intensive care unit".
Golden Owl for Damian
The ETH Zurich’s student association VSETH has awarded Damian Roqueiro with the Golden Owl for his exceptional teaching. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Dr. Bock!
On October 18, Christian Bock defended his excellent PhD thesis entitled "Motifs and Manifolds Statistical and Topological Machine Learning for Characterising and Classifying Biomedical Time Series".
New lab member
Carlos Oliver (McGill University & Mila) joins the group as postdoc. Welcome!
Bastian appointed as Principal Investigator at Helmholtz Munich
After almost four year in the lab, Bastian Rieck is leaving MLCB to become PI at the Institute of AI for Health of Helmholtz Munich.
New lab member
Louis Lukas (ETH Zürich) joins the group as PhD student. Welcome!
[BC]^2 Poster prize for Sarah
At the 2021 edition of the Basel Computational Biology Conference [BC]^2, Sarah Brüningk was awarded a prize for her poster "Determinants of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to guide vaccination strategy in a European urban area". Congratulations!