
The biophysics group actively seeks the contact with students and young people interested in science. We are teaching and disseminating knowledge in the fields of molecular and cellular biophysics, nanotechnology and nanoscopy.

A broad spectrum of research topics for any kind of thesis work is offered. Moreover, we can arrange for research internships, student exchange or research projects. For more information on available topics, please have a look at our research and thesis topics.


BSSE Seminar

Time: Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00
Location: E27
D-BSSE, Basel
D-BSSE Seminars

Biophysics Group Seminars

Time: Every Monday from 9-10 a.m.
Location: Seminar Rooms
D-BSSE, Basel

Research Projects for Bachelor and Master Theses

We offer a broad variety of topics. The subject is, in most cases, interdisciplinary in the area of combining biophysics, nanotechnology, molecular and cell biology with systems biology and engineering.

Student research and thesis projects

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