Illumina Sequencing

We have 3 Illumina sequencers installed to guarantee highest flexibility for supporting your projects. Based on the specific application we can choose the system, flow cell and run type which promise the best data output for your needs.

The sequencing service comprises

  • setup of sequencing run
  • sequencing
  • primary data analysis by latest Illumina pipeline
  • de-multiplexing
  • QC analysis of sequencing data by external pageMultiQC
  • data transfer and temporary data storage

Sequencing run types and specifications

All Illumina sequencing systems support external pagePaired-End (PE)and Single-Read (SR)run types.

NovaSeq 6000

The most powerful high-throughput sequencing system. Libraries can be sequenced with four different flow cells providing high flexibility for small, medium and large-scale projects. - external pageDetailed specifications

NextSeq 500

SR 75 to PE 2x150 sequencing for small and medium-scale projects that require fast data generation. - external pageDetailed specifications


The smallest of our sequencing systems. MiSeq kits allow a maximum number of sequencing cycles, PE 2x300 sequencing is possible. The Nano (300) kit is the cheapest sequencing option providing up to 1M PE 2x150 reads. - external pageDetailed specifications

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