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Service & Support

We provide professional expertise and technical support for all steps in the NGS workflow. Since our start in 2008 we have successfully prepared and sequenced 1'000s of libraries of various applications including (single-cell) RNA-seq, Genome and Exome sequencing. If required we can adapt existing protocols to the projects needs or can develop new applications together with you. More about services

Genomics Team

Contact the Genomics Team for support with project design, submitting samples for library preparation, sequencing, etc.



We sequence with state-of-the-art Illumina and PacBio systems providing highest flexibility and speed for all kinds and scales of projects.
More on sequencing

Quality control

Accurate quantification of RNA and DNA samples and the verification of their integrity are mandatory procedures for generating high-quality genomics data. More on quality control


Automated liquid handling and microfluidics platforms can provide significantly greater reproducibility and throughput than can be achieved through manual methods.
More on automation

GFB News & Events

Next Genomix Basel Chat Room

PacBio Discoveries Roadshow in Basel

10x Genomics Chromium X at D-BSSE

Genomics Basel featured in X-Letter 33

A High-Density Map for Navigating the Human Polycomb Complexome

Our IPhD project featured in X-Letter 32

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