CSD News
JAN '25 Daniel defends his thesis
Congrats Dr. Schirmacher
DEC '24 Anna wins EMBO long-term fellowship
SEP '24 Gheetika's Nature Communications paper published
Identification of an embryonic differentiation stage marked by Sox1 and FoxA2 co-expression using combined cell tracking and high dimensional protein imaging
SEP '24 Ready for the 3rd decade
On 1 September 2004, Timm started his independent group in Munich, Germany, which is now the ETH BSSE’s Cell Systems Dynamics group
AUG '24 Daniel's PLOS Computational Biology paper published
aiSEGcell: user-friendly deep learning-based segmentation of nuclei in transmitted light images
JUN '24 Yang defends his thesis
Congrats Dr. Zhang
OCT '23 Our moving heroes
Aron, Benian, Daniel, David, Florin, German, Linus, Markus, Moritz, Timm, Yang
OCT '23 We have moved!
to our beautiful new building
JUN '23 German receives travel grant
from the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) for the International Society for Experimental Hematology annual meeting, USA
MAY '23 Geethika's Developmental Cell paper published
Optogenetic manipulation identifies the roles of ERK and AKT dynamics in controlling mouse embryonic stem cell exit from pluripotency
MAY '23 Andreas and Tobi's Stem Cell Reports paper published
Embryonic stem cell ERK, AKT, plus STAT3 response dynamics combinatorics are heterogeneous but NANOG state independent
DEC '22 Tour of our beautiful new building
We’ll move in 2023
DEC '22 Our science artwork helps students in needs
LeoDanKonstantinosTimm’s bone pic got the highest bid at the auction!
NOV '22 Daniel wins Chan Zuckerberg Initiative grant
To develop a napari plug in for ‘Deep Learning-Based Segmentation for Bright Field Images’
SEP '22 Arne's Blood paper published
Combined single-cell tracking and omics improves blood stem cell fate regulator identification
SEP '22 Nouraiz wins ISEH New Investigator award
Eugene Cronkite Award - First prize for postdoctoral fellows by the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH)
SEP '22 Nouraiz receives travel grant
from the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland
JUL '22 Tobi’s & Arne’s company OptimaRatio wins Venture Kick Award
OptimaRatio help patients with complex diseases to find the right diagnosis and care based on their health history
JUL '22 Tobias' Blood paper published
NfκB signaling dynamics and their target genes differ between mouse blood cell types and induce distinct cell behavior
MAY '22 Phil's Nature Communications paper published
Open-source personal pipetting robots with live-cell incubation and microscopy compatibility
APR'22 Geethika defends her thesis
Congrats Dr. Arekatla
APR '22 Konstantinos is now Principal Investigator at University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany
Congratulations Dr. Kokkaliaris!
JAN '22 Nouraiz's JEM paper published
Blood stem cell PU.1 upregulation is a consequence of differentiation without fast autoregulation
NOV '21 Timm receives Lymphoma Challenge grant
‘Effector-target cell interactions in engineered immune-therapy against hematologic malignancies’ with Manz group from Zurich University Hospital.
AUG '21 Dirk and Florin's Blood paper published
Asymmetric organelle inheritance predicts human blood stem cell fate
JUL '21 Phil defends his thesis
Congrats Dr. Dettinger!
JUN '21 Timm organizes ‘New Technologies’ theme
with Martin Kampmann at the annual meeting of the International Society of Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)
JUN '21 Nouraiz receives ISSCR travel award and ISSCR abstract merit award
to present at the annual meeting of the International Society of Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)
MAY '21 Weijia and Yang's Blood paper published
Cytokine combinations for human blood stem cell expansion induce cell type- and cytokine-specific signaling dynamics
APR '21 Arne defends his thesis
Congrats Dr. Wehling!
DEC '20 Nouraiz defends his thesis
Congratulations Dr. Ahmed!
NOV '20 Blood cover
for Konstantinos' image of the bone marrow cellular architecture
NOV '20 Konstantinos' Blood paper published
Adult blood stem cell localization reflects the abundance of reported bone marrow niche cell types and their combinations
NOV '20 Tobi defends his thesis
Congratulations Dr. Kull!
OCT '20 Phil's Lab on a Chip paper published
An Automated Microfluidic System for Efficient Capture of Rare Cells and Rapid Flow-free Stimulation
AUG '20 Dirk wins ISEH New Investigator award
George Brecher Award for postdoctoral fellows by the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH)
AUG '20 Nouraiz' Stem Cell Reports paper published
A novel GATA2 protein reporter mouse reveals hematopoietic progenitor cell types
MAR '20 Dirk wins Bruno Speck award
for Nature paper ‘Asymmetric lysosome inheritance predicts activation of haematopoietic stem cells’
FEB '20 Timm receives D-BSSE / Basel University Personalized Medicine funding scheme grant
‘Patient specific signalling dynamics in myeloproliferative neoplasms as predictive biomarkers for outcome and responsiveness to treatment’ with Skoda group from Basel University.
JAN '20 Jeff wins ETH Career Seed Grant
DEC '19 Leo's Cell Stem Cell paper published
A 3D tissue-wide digital imaging pipeline for quantitation of secreted molecules shows absence of CXCL12 gradients in bone marrow
NOV '19 German wins PhD student of the year award
of the Helmholtz Center Munich. Congratulations!
OCT '19 Andreas defends his thesis
Congratulations Dr. Reimann!
SEP '19 Dirk’s Nature paper published
Asymmetric lysosome inheritance predicts activation of haematopoietic stem cells
SEP '19 German wins GSCN Publication of the Year 2019 award
for his paper ‘The centrosome protein AKNA regulates neurogenesis via microtubule organization’, Nature 2019 Congratulations!
AUG '19 Shunsuke wins JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship
JUL '19 Leo defends his thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Kunz!
JUN '19 Dirk receives travel grant
to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Brisbane, Australia
JUN '19 Nouraiz receives travel grant
from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Brisbane, Australia
JUN '19 Tobi receives travel grant
to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Brisbane, Australia
JUN '19 Retreat with EPFL, Basel University and DKFZ groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Radtke, Huelsken, Deplancke, Suter and Naveiras, Basel University’s Martin and Heidelberg DKFZ Esser groups
MAY '19 German wins EMBO long-term fellowship
MAY '19 German wins ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship
MAY '19 Timm receives SNF Sinergia grant
‘Elucidating the human mesenchymal bone marrow stromal hierarchy in health and disease’ with groups from EPFL and Zurich University.
MAR '19 Retreat with Basel hematology group
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Basel University group
MAR '19 Timm organizes European Red Cell Society meeting
in Ascona, Switzerland
FEB '19 Dirk's Blood review published
Understanding Cell Fate Control by Continuous Single Cell Quantification
FEB '19 Martin and Nouraiz's Blood paper published
Inflammatory signals directly instruct PU.1 in HSCs via TNF
JAN '19 Dirk wins ETH Career Seed Grant
JAN '19 Timm organizes Keystone meeting 'Single Cell Biology'
in Colorado, USA
JAN '19 Leo receives travel grant
from Keystone Symposia to present at the Single Cell Biology Keystone meeting in Colorado, USA
JAN '19 Arne is Keystone Conference Assistant
for the Single Cell Biology meeting in Colorado, USA
DEC '18 Olli defends his thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Hilsenbeck!
NOV ‘18 Timm wins Cloëtta Prize
national Swiss prize for medical research by The Professor Dr Max Cloëtta Foundation
OCT '18 Timm and Paul featured in nano/3sat TV feature
on Paul’s paper ‘In vitro biomimetic engineering of a human hematopoietic niche with functional properties’
Oct '18 Simon receives travel grant
from the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual Berlin Summer Meeting in Germany
Sep ‘18 Analytical Chemistry cover
for Phil's image depicting the evolution of a microfluidic chip from conception to implementation
Sep ‘18 Paul now professor at Lund University, Sweden
Congratulations Professor Bourgine!
AUG '18 Konstantinos wins ISEH New Investigator award
Eugene Cronkite Award - First prize for postdoctoral fellows by the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH)
AUG '18 Arne wins Merck Innovation Cup 2018
with his synthetic biology project "From Plastics to Biologics"
AUG '18 Dirk receives travel grants
from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH), SystemsX.ch and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Los Angeles, USA
AUG '18 Konstantinos receives travel grants
from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Los Angeles, USA
AUG '18 Phil and Martin's Analytical Chemistry paper published
Automated Microfluidic System for Dynamic Stimulation and Tracking of Single Cells
JUN '18 Timm receives SNF grant
with Excellence Grants ranking: ‘Molecular dynamics in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell fate control’
JUN '18 Paul's PNAS paper published
In vitro biomimetic engineering of a human hematopoietic niche with functional properties
JUN '18 Simon's Stem Cell Reports paper published
Inductive and Selective Effects of GSK3 and MEK Inhibition on Nanog Heterogeneity in Embryonic Stem Cells
JUN '18 Dan now professor at Ottawa University, Canada
Congratulations Professor Coutu!
May '18 Simon defends his thesis
Congratulations Dr. Hastreiter!
MAR '18 Shunsuke wins EMBO long-term fellowship
MAR '18 Timm co-organizes Wellcome Genome Campus conference ‘Single Cell Biology’
in Hinxton, Cambridge UK.
MAR '18 Paul's Cell Stem Cell review published
Engineering Human Bone Marrow Proxies
FEB '18 Dirk's Blood paper published
Mouse and human HSPC immobilization in liquid culture by CD43 or CD44-antibody coating
FEB '18 Research visit of Leo
at the Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada
FEB '18 Leo wins Böhringer Ingelheim Fonds travel grant
For research visit in Vancouver, Canada. Congratulations!
JAN '18 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Basel and Zurich University groups.
JAN '18 Daniel, Konstantinos and Leo's Nature Methods paper published
Multicolor quantitative confocal imaging cytometry
DEC '17 Weijia's Science Translational Medicine paper published
Enhanced human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell engraftment by blocking donor T cell–mediated TNFα signaling
DEC '17 Jeff wins EMBO long-term fellowship
DEC '17 Weijia wins ETH Career Seed Grant
Dec '17 Nature Biotechnology cover
for Dan, Konstantinos and Leo’s image of the central sinus of mouse bone marrow
DEC '17 Daniel and Konstantinos' Nature Biotechnology paper published
Three-dimensional map of nonhematopoietic bone and bone-marrow cells and molecules
Nov '17 Timm receives SNF R’Equip grant
As lead PI on group grant ‘Confocal Microscope with spectral detection, FLIM and laser ablation’
Nov '17 Timm receives ETHZ SEP grant
As lead PI on group grant ‘Confocal Microscope with spectral detection, FLIM and laser ablation’
NOV '17 Timm participates in podium discussion
about ‘Zurich pioneering spirit for the medicine of the future‘ at the University Medicine Zurich annual event.
SEP '17 Timm wins Erwin Schrödinger Prize for interdisciplinary research
with Fabian Theis and Carsten Marr, Munich Germany, and Laleh Haghverdi, Cambridge UK, for their interdisciplinary work ‘Computational single cell profiling quantifies plasticity during blood stem cell differentiation’
SEP '17 Weijia featured in SystemsX film
The Human Body: the ultimate frontier of complexity
SEP '17 Leo wins poster prize
at annual meeting of the Swiss Stem Cell Network (SSCN) in Lausanne
SEP '17 Amgen Scholar Valentina Lorenzi wins poster prize
First prize for best poster presentation of final Amgen students meeting in Cambridge, UK
AUG '17 Weijia receives travel grant
from the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Konstantinos receives travel grants
from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Dirk receives travel grants
from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Martin receives travel grant
to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Tobi receives travel grant
to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Frankfurt, Germany
JUN '17 Timm receives FreeNovation grant
As co-PI in Novartis FreeNovation grant ‘Microfluidic 3D lymph node tissue engineering’ with Matthias Mehling from Basel University
MAY '17 Leo and Tobi organize retreat with EPFL, Basel University and DKFZ groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Radtke, Lutolf, Deplancke, Suter and Naveiras, Basel University’s Martin and Heidelberg DKFZ’s Trumpp and Essers Groups. This year organized by Leo and Tobi.
APR '17 Laura, Timm and Dirk’s cell movie featured in D-BSSE image film
The image film was produced for the department's 10 year anniversary.
APR '17 Philipp wins Bruno Speck award
for Nature paper ‘Early myeloid lineage choice is not initiated by random PU.1 to GATA1 protein ratios’
MAR '17 Oliver’s Bioinformatics paper published
fastER: a user-friendly tool for ultrafast and robust cell segmentation in large-scale microscopy
FEB '17 Felix’s Nature Methods paper published
Prospective identification of hematopoietic lineage choice by deep learning
FEB '17 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Basel and Zurich University groups.
FEB '17 Max’s Blood paper published
CSF-1-induced Src signaling can instruct monocytic lineage choice
FEB '17 Ilya’s one year lab meeting anniversary
Congratulations - Excellent job! Never disturbed once (but scientific contributions could still improve)
NOV '16 Laura’s Nature Biotechnology review published
Challenges in long-term imaging and quantification of single-cell dynamics
SEP '16 Konstantinos wins 1st poster prize
at Life Sciences PostDoc Day in Zurich
SEP '16 Weijia wins poster price
at All SystemsX.ch Day in Bern
AUG '16 Timm now ISEH President
of International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH).
AUG '16 Timm chairs Scientific Program Committee for ISEH Annual Meeting
in San Diego, USA.
AUG '16 Konstantinos wins travel fellowship
to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in San Diego, CA, USA
JUL '16 Philipp’s Nature paper published
Early myeloid lineage choice is not initiated by random PU.1 to GATA1 protein ratios
JUL '16 Oliver’s and Laura’s Nature Biotechnology paper published
Software tools for single-cell tracking and quantification of cellular and molecular properties
JUL '16 Article about our research in Interpharma Newsroom
‘Die Heilkraft der Blutstammzellen’
JUN '16 Konstantinos’s Blood paper published
Identification of factors promoting ex vivo maintenance of mouse hematopoietic stem cells by long-term single-cell quantification
JUN '16 Leo wins poster price
at annual meeting of the Swiss Stem Cell Network (SSCN) in Fribourg
JUN '16 Martin wins ETH Career Seed Grant
JUN '16 Leo and Nouraiz organize retreat with EPFL, Basel University and DKFZ groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Radtke, Lutolf, Deplancke, Hülsken, Suter and Naveiras, Basel University’s Martin and Heidelberg DKFZ’s Trumpp and Essers Groups. This year organized by Leo and Nouraiz.
JUN '16 Leo wins Willi-Studer price
as best student of Biomedical Engineering Master program at ETH Zurich department ITET. Congratulations!
MAY '16 Daniel Lee receives Wagoner and ThinkSwiss Scholarships
for his research visit in our group from Rice University, USA. Congratulations!
APR '16 Martin welcomes high school pupils for lab visit
Visitors from the United World College Freiburg, Germany, were from Italy, Hungary, China, Armenia, Germany and Burma.
MAR '16 Retreat with Cambridge Stem Cell groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Gottgens, Kent and Laurenti stem cell research groups in Cambridge.
MAR '16 Timm co-organizes Wellcome Genome Campus conference ‘Single Cell Biology’
in Hinxton, Cambridge UK.
MAR '16 Simon wins travel fellowship
to Wellcome Genome Campus conference ‘Single Cell Biology’ in Hinxton, UK
MAR '16 Oliver wins travel fellowship
to Wellcome Genome Campus conference ‘Single Cell Biology’ in Hinxton, UK
MAR '16 Nouraiz wins travel fellowship
to Wellcome Genome Campus conference ‘Single Cell Biology’ in Hinxton, UK
FEB '16 Martin wins FEBS travel fellowship
to Next Gen Immunology 2016 meeting in Rehovot, Israel
FEB '16 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Basel and Zurich University groups.
JAN '16 Jonas wins fellowship
Swiss European Mobility Program fellowship. Congratulations!
Jan '16 Carolyn now professor at Basel University, Switzerland
Congratulations Professor King!
JAN '16 Leo wins fellowship to present at congress
IWMH5 - 5th International Workshop on Humanized Mice in Zurich, Switzerland
NOV '15 Laura wins fellowship extension
for SystemsX Transition Postdoc Fellowship (TPdF). Congratulations!
SEP '15 Adam and Simon’s Nature Cell Biology paper published
Network plasticity of pluripotency transcription factors in embryonic stem cells.
SEP '15 Konstantinos wins travel fellowship
to the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Kyoto, Japan
AUG '15 Weijia wins Fellowship
SystemsX Transition Postdoc Fellowship (TPdF). Congratulations!
MAY '15 Retreat with EPFL and DKFZ groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Radtke, Lutolf, Deplancke, Hülsken and Naveiras and Heidelberg DKFZ’s Trumpp and Essers Groups.
APR '15 Ren wins fellowship
by the Kyoto University Foundation. Congratulations!
FEB '15 Martin wins travel fellowship
to the Keystone meeting ‘Hematopoiesis’ in Keystone, Colorado, USA
FEB '15 Timm organizes Keystone meeting
‘Hematopoiesis’ in Keystone, Colorado, USA.
FEB '15 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Skoda, Schwaller, Lengerke (Basel University) and Manz, Mueller, Balananov (Zurich University) groups.
DEC '14 Special Issue ‘The Hematopoietic System’ published
in Experimental Cell Research, edited by Timm with Claus Nerlov (UK) and Shinichi Nishikawa (Japan).
NOV '14 Timm receives SystemsX grant
As co-PI in a SystemsX MRD group for analyzing ‘A systems medicine approach to hematopoietic stem cell diseases’
NOV '14 Martin's Cell Stem Cell review published
Quantitative Single-Cell Approaches to Stem Cell Research
OCT '14 Max defends his thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Endele!
OCT '14 Philipp's Nature Cell Biology review published
Single-cell technologies sharpen up mammalian stem cell research.
SEP '14 Timm receives SNF grant
For analyzing ‘Transcription factor dynamics in hematopoietic cell fate control’
SEP '14 Dirk defends his thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Löffler!
SEP '14 Konstantinos defends his thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Kokkaliaris!
SEP '14 Philipp defends his thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Hoppe!
SEP '14 Ready for the 2nd decade
Today 10 years ago Timm started his independent group in Munich, Germany, which is now the ETH BSSE’s Cell Systems Dynamics group
AUG '14 Timm (csd) and Jörg Stelling (csb) receive SystemsX grant
iPhD grant for joint supervision of PhD student Oliver Hilsenbeck
JUL '14 Timm elected President
of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH).
JUN '14 Timm joins Steering Committee
of the Swiss Stem Cell Network
JUN '14 Timm joins Editorial Board
of the journal PLoS Biology
JUN '14 Retreat with Stelling group
Timm, Laura and Olli at retreat of the ETHZ D-BSSE’s Stelling Group.
MAY '14 Retreat with EPFL and DKFZ groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Barrandon, Radtke, Lutolf, Hülsken and Wolfer and Heidelberg DKFZ’s Essers Groups.
MAY '14 Retreat with Tay group
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with the ETHZ D-BSSE’s Tay Group.
FEB '14 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Skoda, Schwaller, Lengerke (Basel University) and Manz, Mueller, Balananov (Zurich University) groups.
OCT '13 Retreat with EPFL and DKFZ groups
Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with EPFL’s Barrandon, Radtke, Lutolf, Hülsken and Wolfer groups.
OCT '13 Timm organizes Abcam meeting
"Quantitative Single Cell Biology in Stem Cell Research" in Munich, Germany
SEP '13 Dan's Journal of Cell Science review published
on history and novel developments in single cell imaging
SEP '13 Timm joins Steering Committee
of the Basel Stem Cell Network
AUG '13 Laura wins fellowship
SystemsX Transition Postdoc Fellowship (TPdF). Congratulations!
JUL '13 Adam's Cell Stem Cell paper published
on biallelic Nanog expression in mESCs
DEC '12 Martin wins fellowship
EMBO long-term fellowship. Congratulations!
AUG '12 Timm receives the international research award
McCullough and Till Award of The Society for Hematology and Stem Cells
MAY '12 Research visit of Konstantinos
at The Black Family Stem Cell Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, USA
MAR '12 Timm and Simon at retreat in California
with members of the Chambers (Edinburgh, UK), Wandless (Stanford, USA) and Lee (Berkeley, USA) labs in Marconi, California, USA
MAR '12 Research visit of Simon
at Berkeley University, USA
JUN '11 Timm is now director of the new research unit Stem Cell Dynamics
at the Helmholtz Center München
SEP '11 Research visit of Dirk
at the Terry Fox Laboratories Vancouver, Canada
APR '11 Daniel wins fellowship
CIHR long-term fellowship. Congratulations!
APR '11 Timm organizes the 2nd Singapore-German Stem Cell Symposium
Neuherberg / Munich, Germany
APR '11 Timm's Nature Methods review published
On long term single cell imaging
OCT '10 Hanna wins the PhD student of the year award
by the Helmholtz Center Munich. Congratulations!
AUG '10 Hanna receives the national Hermann Rein award
Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology. Congratulations!
APR '10 Konstantinos wins fellowship
DAAD fellowship. Congratulations!
MAR '10 Andrea defends her thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Hermann!
MAR '10 Timm's Cell Stem Cell review published
on hematopoietic stem cell heterogeneity
FEB '10 Timm selected as PI in EuroSyStem
European consortium on Stem Cell Research and Systems Biology
DEC '09 Michael starts independent group Frankfurt.
Congratulations Professor Rieger!
SEP '09 Timm joins the Board of Directors
The Society for Hematology and Stem Cells
JUL '09 Michael's Science paper published
Hematopoietic lineage instruction by cytokines proven
FEB '09 Hanna defends her thesis
Congratulations Dr. Eilken!
FEB '09 Hanna's Nature paper published
Existence of hemogenic endothelial cells proven
NOV '08 Research visit of Michael
at the NIH, Bethesda, USA
OCT '08 Lab retreat in Virginia
with Hennighausen (NIH), Rosen (Baylor College of Medicine) and Kopchick (Ohio U) labs on Isobel Island, Virginia, USA
MAY '08 Timm's Nature review published
on single cell imaging of mammalian stem cells
MAR '08 Research visit of Hanna
at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan
JUN '07 Lothar Hennighausen joins lab for sabbatical
from NIH (Bethesda, USA)
NOV '06 Timm joins Scientific Program Committee
International Society of Experimental Hematology for the future annual meetings in Hamburg, Germany and Boston, USA
AUG '06 Timm now deputy director
Institute of Stem Cell Research, Helmholtz Center München
SEP '05 Timm joins Scientific Program Committee
International Society of Stem Cell Research for the future annual meetings in Toronto, Canada and Cairns, Australia
SEP '04 Timm starts his independent group
‘Hematopoiesis’ in the Institute of Stem Cell Research, Helmholtz Center München