
We share and open-source published software developed in our group:


Wehling A, Loeffler D, Zhang Y, Kull T, Donato C, Szczerba B, Ortega GC, Lee M, Moor A, Göttgens B, Aceto N. and Schroeder T (2022)
Combined single-cell tracking and omics improves blood stem cell fate regulator identification.
Blood. 10.1182/blood.2022016880


Kunz L and Schroeder T (2019)
A 3D tissue-​wide digital imaging pipeline for quantitation of secreted molecules shows absence of CXCL12 gradients in bone marrow
Cell Stem Cell, 25(6):846-​854



Coutu DL, Kokkaliaris KD, Kunz L and Schroeder T (2018)
Multicolor quantitative confocal imaging cytometry
Nature Methods,
15: 39-46



Hilsenbeck O, Schwarzfischer M, Loeffler D, Dimopoulos S, Hastreiter S, Marr C, Theis FJ and Schroeder T (2017)
fastER: a user-friendly tool for ultrafast and robust cell segmentation in large-scale microscopy
Bioinformatics, 33: 2020-2028


Hilsenbeck O*, Schwarzfischer M*, Skylaki S*, Schauberger B, Hoppe PS, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD, Hastreiter S, Skylaki E, Filipczyk A, Strasser M, Buggenthin F, Feigelman JS, Krumsiek J, van den Berg AJJ, Endele M, Etzrodt M, Marr C, Theis FJ* and Schroeder T* (2016)
Software tools for single-cell tracking and quantification of cellular and molecular properties
Nature Biotechnology, 34: 703-706

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