
20242023202220212020 |2019 | 2018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2000 | 1999

Please note: PDF files available upon request: Timm Schroeder

Group members in bold.
Publications from Timm Schroeder’s groups until 2013 also shown.


Arekatla, Skylaki, Corredor Suarez, Jackson, Schapiro, Engler, Auler, Camargo Ortega, Hastreiter, Reimann, Loeffler, Bodenmiller, Schroeder
external page Identification of an embryonic differentiation stage marked by Sox1 and FoxA2 co-expression using combined cell tracking and high dimensional protein imaging.
Nature Communications, 15(1):7860

Schirmacher*, Armagan, Zhang, Kull, Auler, Schroeder*
external page aiSEGcell: user-friendly deep learning-based segmentation of nuclei in transmitted light images
PLOS Computational Biology, 20(8):e1012361

Rai, Zhang, Grockowiak, Kimmerlin, Hansen, Stoll, Usart, Luque Paz, Hao-Shen, Zhu, Roux, Bader, Dirnhofer, Farady, Schroeder, Méndez-Ferrer, Skoda
external page IL-1β promotes MPN disease initiation by favoring early clonal expansion of JAK2-mutant hematopoietic stem cells
Blood Advances, 8(5):1234-1249

Mueller*, Schimmer*, Koch, Schneiter, Fullin, Lysenko, Pellegrino, Klemm, Russkamp, Myburgh, Volta, Theocharides, Kurppa, Ebert, Schroeder, Manz*, Boettcher*
external page Targeting the mevalonate or Wnt pathways to overcome CAR T-cell resistance in TP53-mutant AML cells
EMBO Molecular Medicine, 16(3):445-474

Volta, Myburgh, Pellegrino, Koch, Maurer, Manfredi, Hofstetter, Kaiser, Schneiter, Müller, Bühler, De Luca, Favalli, Magnani, Schroeder, Neri, Manz
external page Efficient Combinatorial Adaptor-Mediated Targeting of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with CAR T-Cells
Leukemia, 38(12):2598-2613

Kockwelp*, Thiele*, Bartsch*, Haalck, Gromoll, Schlatt, Exeler, Bleckmann, Lenz, Wolf, Steffen, Berdel, Schliemann, Risse, Angenendt
external page Deep Learning Predicts Therapy-Relevant Genetics in Acute Myeloid Leukemia from Pappenheim-stained Bone Marrow Smears
Blood Advances, 8(1):70-79
- highlighted in this external page commentary

Felipe Fumero, Walter, Frenz, Seifert, Alla, Hennig, Angenendt, Hartmann, Wolf, Serve, Oellerich, Lenz, Müller-Tidow, Schliemann, Huber, Dugas, Mann, Jayavelu, Mikesch, Arteaga.
external page Epigenetic control over the cell-intrinsic immune response antagonizes self-renewal in acute myeloid leukemia
Blood, 30;143(22):2284-2299

Shaforostova, Call, Evers, Reicherts, Angenendt, Stelljes, Berdel, Pohlmann, Mikesch, Rosenbauer, Lenz, Schliemann, Wethmar
external page Prevalence and clinical impact of CD56 and T-cell marker expression in acute myeloid leukaemia: A single-centre retrospective analysis
EJHaem, 22;5(1):93-104


Arekatla, Trenzinger, Reimann, Loeffler, Kull, Schroeder
external page Optogenetic manipulation identifies the roles of ERK and AKT dynamics in controlling mouse embryonic stem cell exit from pluripotency
Developmental Cell, 58(12):1022-1036
-highlighted in this external page commentary

Reimann*, Kull*, Wang, Dettinger, Loeffler, Schroeder
external page Embryonic stem cell ERK, AKT plus STAT3 response dynamics combinatorics are heterogeneous but NANOG state independent
Stem Cell Reports, 18(6):1295-1307

Stetka, Usart, Kubovcakova, Rai, Rao, Sutter, Hao-Shen, Dirnhofer, Geier, Bader, Passweg, Manolova, Dürrenberger, Ahmed, Schroeder, Ganz, Nemeth, Silvestri, Nai, Camaschella, Skoda
external page Iron is a modifier of the phenotypes of JAK2-mutant myeloproliferative neoplasms
Blood, 141(17):2127-2140

Barz*, Behrmann*, Capron*, Zuchtriegel*, Steffen, Kunz, Zhang, Jimenez Vermeerbergen, Marovca, Kirschmann, Rinaldi, Zech, Nombela-Arrieta, Ziegler, Schroeder, Bornhauser, Bourquin
external page B and T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia evade chemotherapy at distinct sites in the bone marrow
Haematologica, 108(5):1244-1258

Angenendt, Röllig, Montesinos, Ravandi, Juliusson, Récher, Itzykson, Ráčil, Wei, Schliemann
external page Revisiting Co-existing Chromosomal Abnormalities in NPM1-mutated AML in Light of the Revised ELN 2022 classification
Blood, 141(4):433-435

Gräbnitz, Stark, Shlesinger, Petkidis, Borsa, Yermanos, Carr, Barandun, Wehling, Balaz, Schroeder, Oxenius
external page Asymmetric cell division safeguards memory CD8 T cell development
Cell Reports, 42(5):112468

Vinopal, Dupraz, Alfadil, Pietralla, Bendre, Stiess, Falk , Camargo Ortega, Maghelli , Tolić, Smejkal, Götz, Bradke
external page Centrosomal microtubule nucleation regulates radial migration of projection neurons independently of polarization in the developing brain
Neuron, 111(8):1241-1263

Beneyto-Calabuig, Merbach, Kniffka, Antes, Szu-Tu, Rohde, Waclawiczek, Stelmach, Gräßle, Pervan, Janssen, Landry, Benes, Jauch, Brough, Bauer, Besenbeck, Felden, Bäumer, Hundemer, Sauer, Pabst, Wickenhauser, Angenendt, Schliemann, Trumpp, Haas, Scherer, Raffel, Müller-Tidow, Velten
external page Clonally resolved single-cell multi-omics identifies routes of cellular differentiation in acute myeloid leukemia
Cell Stem Cell, 30(5):706-721


Wehling, Loeffler, Zhang, Kull, Donato, Szczerba, Camargo Ortega, Lee, Moor, Goettgens, Aceto, Schroeder
external page Combining single-cell tracking and omics improves blood stem cell fate regulator identification
Blood, 140(13):1482-1495

Loeffler*, Schneiter*, Wang, Wehling, Kull, Lengerke, Manz, Schroeder
external page Asymmetric organelle inheritance predicts human blood stem cell fate
Blood, 139(13):2011-2023
-highlighted in this external page commentary
-highlighted in this external page commentary

Kull, Wehling, Etzrodt, Auler, Dettinger, Aceto, Schroeder
external page NfκB signaling dynamics and their target genes differ between mouse blood cell types and induce distinct cell behavior
Blood, 140(2):99-111
-highlighted in this external page commentary

Ahmed, Etzrodt, Dettinger, Kull, Loeffler, Hoppe, Chavez, Zhang, Ortega, Hilsenbeck, Nakajima, Pietras, Schroeder
external page Blood stem cell PU.1 upregulation is a consequence of differentiation without fast autoregulation
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 219(1):e20202490

Dettinger**, Kull, Arekatla, Ahmed, Zhang, Schneiter, Wehling, Schirmacher, Kawamura, Loeffler, Schroeder**
external page Open-source personal pipetting robots with live-cell incubation and microscopy compatibility
bioRxiv 2021; doi /10.1101/2021.07.04.448641
Nature Communications, 13(1):2999
"Editor's external page Highlight

Plambeck, Kazeroonian, Loeffler, Kretschmer, Salinno, Schroeder, Busch, Flossdorf, Buchholz
external page Heritable changes in division speed accompany the diversification of single T cell fate
PNAS, 119(9):e2116260119

Scheidmann, Castro-Giner, Strittmatter, Krol, Paasinen-Sohns, Scherrer, Donato, Gkountela, Szczerba, Diamantopoulou, Muenst, Vlajnic, Kunz, Vetter, Rochlitz, Taylor, Giachino, Schroeder, Platt, Aceto
external page An In Vivo CRISPR Screen Identifies Stepwise Genetic Dependencies of Metastatic Progression
Cancer Research, 82(4):681-694

Camargo, Goetz
external page Centrosome heterogeneity in stem cells regulates cell diversity
Trends in Cell Biology, S0962-8924(22)00076-9

Angenendt, Mikesch, Schliemann
external page Emerging antibody-based therapies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
Cancer Treatment Reviews, 108:102409

Berdel, Ruhnke, Angenendt, Wermke, Röllig, Mikesch, Scheller, Hemmerle, Matasci, Wethmar, Kessler, Gerwing, Hescheler, Schäfers, Hartmann, Altvater, Rossig, Bornhäuser, Lenz, Stelljes, Rueter, Neri, Berdel, Schliemann
external page Using stroma-anchoring cytokines to augment ADCC: a phase 1 trial of F16IL2 and BI 836858 for posttransplant AML relapse
Blood Advances, 28;6(12):3684-3696


Wang*, Zhang*, Dettinger, Reimann, Kull, Loeffler, Manz, Lengerke, Schroeder
external page Cytokine combinations for human blood stem cell expansion induce cell type- and cytokine-specific signaling dynamics
Blood, 138(10):847-857
-highlighted in this external page commentary

Kull and Schroeder
external page Analyzing signaling activity and function in hematopoietic cells
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 218(7):e20201546

Loeffler and Schroeder
external page Symmetric and asymmetric activation of hematopoietic stem cells
Current Opinion in Hematology, 28(4):262-268

Chavez, Rabe, Loeffler, Higa, Hernandez, Mills, Ahmed, Gessner, Ke, Idler, Kim, Myers, Stevens, Jordan, Nakajima, Ashton, Welner, Schroeder, DeGregori, Pietras
external page PU.1 enforces quiescence and limits hematopoietic stem cell expansion during inflammatory stress
bioRxiv (2020), 20200520
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 218(6):e20201169

García-Prat, Kaufmann, Schneiter, Voisin, Murison, Chen, Chan-Seng-Yue, Gan, McLeod, Smith, Shoong, Paris, Pan, Zeng, Krivdova, Gupta, Takayanagi, Wagenblast, Wang, Lupien, Schroeder, Xie, Dick
Dichotomous regulation of lysosomes by MYC and TFEB controls hematopoietic stem cell fate
bioRxiv, 20210224
external page TFEB-mediated endo-lysosomal activity controls hematopoietic stem cell fate
Cell Stem Cell, 28(10):1838-1850

Hausmann, Felmy, Kunz, Kroon, Berthold, Ganz, Sandu, Nakamura, Zangger, Zhang, Dolowschiak, Fattinger, Furter, Müller-Hauser, Barthel-Scherrer, Vlantis, Wachsmuth, Kisielow, Tortola, Heide, Heikenwälder, Oxenius, Kopf, Schroeder, Pasparakis, Sellin, Hardt
external page Intercrypt Sentinel Macrophages Induce a Tunable Antibacterial NFκB Response in Intestinal Epithelial Cells via TNF
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 218(11):e20210862

Wanet, Bassal, Lourenco, Mariani, Ahmed, Borchiellini, Chen, Zhang, Di Ruscio, Miyake, Tsai, Paranjape, Park, Silberstein, Karasuyama, Schroeder, Dzierzak, Galli, Tenen, Welner
external page E–cadherin is regulated by GATA-​2 and marks the early commitment of mouse hematopoietic progenitors to the basophil and mast cell fates
Science Immunology, 6(56):eaba0178

Xie, Kaufmann, Wang, Chan-​Seng-Yue, Gan, Laurenti, Garcia-​Prat, Takayanagi, Ng, Xu, Zeng, Jin, McLeod, Mitchell, Kennedy, Liu, Boutzen, Kleinau, Jargstorf, Holmes, Zhang, Voisin, Bader, Wang, Hannun, Luberto, Schroeder, Minden, Dick
external page Sphingosine-​1-phosphate receptor 3 potentiates inflammatory programs in normal and leukemia stem cells to promote differentiation
Blood Cancer Discovery, 2(1):32-53

Le Mercier, Bonnavion, Yu, Wessam Alnouri, Zhang, Jäger, Cho, Chen, Strilic, Sijmonsma, Adams, Schroeder, Rieger, Offermanns
external page GPR182 is an endothelium-specific atypical chemokine receptor that maintains hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis
PNAS, 118(17):e2021596118

Rao, Hansen, Stetka, Paz, Kalmer, Hilfiker, Endele, Ahmed, Kubovcakova, Rybarikova, Hao-Shen, Geier, Beisel, Dirnhofer, Schroeder, Brümmendorf, Wolf, Koschmieder, Skoda
external page JAK2-V617F and interferon-α induce megakaryocyte-biased stem cells characterized by decreased long-term functionality
Blood, 137(16):2139-2151

Nguyen, Misun, Lohasz, Lee, Wang, Schroeder, Hierlemann
external page An immunocompetent microphysiological system to simultaneously investigate effects of anti-tumor natural killer cells on tumor and cardiac microtissues
Frontiers in Immunology, 12:781337

Schaberg, Theocharidis, May, Lessmann, Schroeder, Faissner
external page Sulfation of glycosaminoglycans modulates the cell cycle of embryonic mouse spinal cord neural stem cells
Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology, 9:643060

Ohteki, Kawamura, Onai
external page Commitment to dendritic cells and monocytes
International Immunology, dxab031

Cable, Elowitz, Domingos, Habib, Itzkovitz, Hamidzada, Balzer, Yanai, Liberali, Whited, Streets, Cai, Stergachis, Hong, Keren, Guilliams, Alon, Shalek, Hamel, Pfau, Raj, Quake, Zhang, Fan, Trapnell, Wang, Greenwald, Vento-Tormo, Santos, Spencer, Garcia, Arekatla, Gaiti, Arbel-Goren, Rulands, Junker, Klein, Morris, Murray, Galloway, Ratz, Romeike.
external page Single cell biology-a Keystone Symposia report.
ANYAS, 1506(1):74-97


Kokkaliaris KD, Kunz L, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Christodoulou C, Renders S, Camargo F, Trumpp A, Scadden DT, Schroeder T (2020)
external page Adult blood stem cell localization reflects the abundance of reported bone marrow niche cell types and their combinations
Blood 136(20): 2296–2307

Ahmed N, Kunz L, Hoppe PS, Loeffler D, Etzrodt M, Ortega GC, Hilsenbeck O, Anastassiadis K, Schroeder T (2020)
external page A novel GATA2 protein reporter mouse reveals hematopoietic progenitor cell types
Stem Cell Reports, 15(2): 326–339

Dettinger P, Wang W, Ahmed N, Zhang Y, Löffler D, Kull K, Etzrodt M, Lengerke C, Schroeder T (2020)
external page An Automated Microfluidic System for Efficient Capture of Rare Cells and Rapid Flow-free Stimulation
Lab on a Chip, 10.1039/D0LC00687D

Loeffler D, Schneiter F, Schroeder T (2020)
external page Pitfalls and requirements in quantifying asymmetric mitotic segregation
ANYAS, 1466(1):73-82

Christodoulou C, Spencer JA, Turcotte R, Kokkaliaris KD, Panero R, Ramos A, Esipova TV, Vinogradov SA, Perkins AS, Schroeder T, Lin CP, Camargo FD (2020)
external page Live-animal imaging of native hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Nature, 578(7794):278-283

Altamura S, Vegi NM, Hoppe PS, Schroeder T, Aichler M, Walch A, Okreglicka K, Hültner L, Schneider M, Ladinig C, Kuklik-Roos C, Mysliwietz J, Janik D, Neff F, Rathkolb B, Hrabé de Angelis M, Buske C, da Silva AR, Muedder K, Conrad M, Ganz T, Kopf M, Muckenthaler MU, Bornkamm GW (2020)
external page Glutathione peroxidase 4 and vitamin E control reticulocyte maturation, stress erythropoiesis and iron homeostasis.
Haematologica, 105(4):937-950

Donato C, Kunz L, Castro-Giner F, Paasinen-Sohns A, Strittmatter K, Szczerba BM, Scherrer R, Di Maggio N, Heusermann W, Biehlmaier O, Beisel C, Vetter M, Rochlitz C, Weber WP, Banfi A, Schroeder T, Aceto N (2020)
external page Hypoxia Triggers the Intravasation of Clustered Circulating Tumor Cells
Cell Reports, 32(10):108105

Rajendiran S, Smith-Berdan S, Kunz L, Risolino M, Selleri L, Schroeder T, Forsberg EC (2020)
external page Ubiquitous Overexpression of CXCL12 Confers Radiation Protection and Enhances Mobilization of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells
Stem Cells, 10.1002/stem.3205

Bernitz JM, Rapp K, Daniel MG, Shcherbinin D, Yuan Y, Gomes A, Waghray A, Brosh R, Lachmann A, Ma'ayan A, Papatsenko D, Moore KA (2020)
external page Memory of Divisional History Directs the Continuous Process of Primitive Hematopoietic Lineage Commitment
Stem Cell Reports, 14(4): 561–574.

Matos ÂP, Kauffman A, Vickery C, Naegeli K, Strittmatter L, Sybirna A, van Blijswijk J, Adlung L, Berbasova T, Enterina J, Eismann L, Tierney B, Jordi J, Zhu L, Verkuijl S, Tallorin L, Wehling A, Ogden M, Lammel S, Hasslacher MK, Wuelfroth P, Neumann S, Tidona C, Betz UAK (2020)
external page Synthetic Biology Category Wins the 350th Anniversary Merck Innovation Cup
Trends in Biotechnology, 38(1):1-4


Loeffler D, Wehling A, Schneiter F, Zhang Y, Müller-Bötticher N, Hoppe PS, Hilsenbeck O, Kokkaliaris K, Endele M and Schroeder T (2019)
external page Asymmetric lysosome inheritance predicts activation of haematopoietic stem cells
Nature, 573(7774):426-429
-highlighted in this external page commentary

Kunz L and Schroeder T (2019)
external page A 3D tissue-wide digital imaging pipeline for quantitation of secreted molecules shows absence of CXCL12 gradients in bone marrow
Cell Stem Cell, 25(6):846-854

Etzrodt M*, Ahmed N*, Hoppe PS, Loeffler D, Skylaki S, Hilsenbeck O, Kokkaliaris KD, Kaltenbach HM, Stelling J, Nerlov C and Schroeder T (2019)
external page Inflammatory signals directly instruct PU.1 in HSCs via TNF
Blood, blood-2018-02-832998
-highlighted in this external page commentary

Loeffler D and Schroeder T (2019)
external page Understanding Cell Fate Control by Continuous Single Cell Quantification
Blood, blood-2018-09-835397

Bourgine PE, Fritsch K, Pigeot S, Takizawa H, Kunz L, Kokkaliaris KD, Coutu DL, Manz MG, Martin I, Schroeder T (2019)
external page Fate Distribution and Regulatory Role of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Engineered Hematopoietic Bone Organs
iScience, 19:504-513

Tyrkalska SD, Pérez-Oliva AB, Rodríguez-Ruiz L, Martínez-Morcillo FJ, Alcaraz-Pérez F, Martínez-Navarro FJ, Josselin E, Lachaud C, Ahmed N, Schroeder T, Pardo-Sánchez I, Candel S, López-Muñoz A, Choudhuri A, Rossmann MP, Zon LI, Cayuela ML, García-Moreno D, Mulero V (2019)
external page Inflammasome regulates hematopoiesis through cleavage of the master erythroid transcription factor GATA1
Immunity, 51(1):50-63

McKenzie MD, Ghisi M, Oxley EP, Ngo S, Cimmino L, Esnault C, Liu R, Salmon JM, Bell CC, Ahmed N, Erlichster M, Witkowski MT, Liu GJ, Chopin M, Dakic A, Simankowicz E, Pomilio G, Vu T, Krsmanovic P, Su S, Tian L, Baldwin TM, Zalcenstein DA, DiRago L, Wang S, Metcalf D, Johnstone RW, Croker BA, Lancaster GI, Murphy AJ, Naik SH, Nutt SL, Pospisil V, Schroeder T, Wall M, Dawson MA, Wei AH, De The H, Ritchie ME, Zuber J, Dickins RA (2019)
external page Interconversion between tumorigenic and differentiated states in acute myeloid leukemia
Cell Stem Cell, 25(2):258-272

Berge U, Bochenek D, Schnabel R, Wehling A, Schroeder T, Stadler T, Kroschewski R (2019)
external page Asymmetric division events promote variability in cell cycle duration in animal cells and Escherichia coli
Nature Communications, 10(1):1901

Kagawa H, Shimamoto R, Kim SI, Oceguera-Yanez F, Yamamoto T, Schroeder T and Woltjen K (2019)
external page OVOL1 Influences the Determination and Expansion of iPSC Reprogramming Intermediates
Stem Cell Reports, 12(2):319-332

Failmezger H, Dursun E, Dümcke S, Endele M, Poron D, Schroeder T, Krug A and Tresch A (2019)
external page Clustering of samples with a tree-shaped dependence structure, with an application to microscopic time lapse imaging
Bioinformatics, 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty939


Coutu DL* **, Kokkaliaris KD*, Kunz L* and Schroeder T** (2018)
external page Multicolor quantitative confocal imaging cytometry
Nature Methods15: 39-46

Hastreiter S, Skylaki S, Loeffler D, Reimann A, Hilsenbeck O, Hoppe PS, Coutu DL, Kokkaliaris KD, Schwarzfischer M, Anastassiadis K, Theis FJ and Schroeder T (2018)
external page Inductive and selective effects of GSK3 and MEK inhibition on Nanog heterogeneity in embryonic stem cells
Stem Cell Reports
, 11(1):58-69

Bourgine PE*, Klein T*, Paczula A, Shimizu T, Kunz L, Kokkaliaris KD, Coutu DL, Lengerke C, Skoda R, Schroeder T** and Martin I** (2018) **corresponding author
external page In vitro biomimetic engineering of a human hematopoietic niche with functional properties
PNAS, 115(25):E5688-E5695

Loeffler D, Wang W, Hopf A, Hilsenbeck O, Bourgine PE, Rudolf F, Martin I and Schroeder T (2018)
external page Mouse and human HSPC immobilization in liquid culture by CD43/CD44-antibody coating
Blood, 131(13):1425-1429

Strasser MK, Hoppe P, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris K, Schroeder T**, Theis FJ and Marr C** (2018) **corresponding author
external page Lineage marker synchrony in hematopoietic genealogies refutes the PU.1/GATA1 toggle switch paradigm
Nature Communications
, 9(1):2697

Bourgine PE, Martin I and Schroeder T (2018)
external page Engineering human bone marrow proxies
Cell Stem Cell, 22(3):298-301

Dettinger P*, Frank T*, Etzrodt M*, Ahmed N, Reimann A, Trenzinger C, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD, Schroeder T** and Savas Tay** (2018) **corresponding author
external page Automated microfluidic system for dynamic stimulation and tracking of single cells
Analytical Chemistry, 90(18):10695–10700

Stadler T*, Skylaki S, Kokkaliaris KD and Schroeder T* (2018)
external page On the statistical analysis of single cell lineage trees
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 439: 160-165

Kawamura S and Ohteki T (2018)
external page Monopoiesis in humans and mice
International Immunology, 

Frick C, Dettinger P, Renkawitz J, Jauch A, Berger C, Recher M, Schroeder T and Mehling M (2018)
external page Nano-scale microfluidics to study 3D chemotaxis at the single cell level
PLoS ONE, 13(6):e0198330

Shepherd MS, Li J, Wilson NK, Oedekoven CA, Li J, Belmonte M, Fink J, Prick JCM, Pask DC, Hamilton TL, Löffler D, Rao A, Schroeder T, Göttgens B, Green AR and Kent DG (2018)
external page Single cell approaches identify the molecular network driving malignant hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal
Blood, blood-2017-12-821066

Fritsch K, Pigeot S, Feng X, Bourgine PE, Schroeder T, Martin I, Manz MG and Takizawa H (2018)
external page Engineered humanized bone organs maintain human hematopoiesis in vivo
Experimental Hematology, 61:45-51

Montaner A, da Silva Santana TT, Schroeder T, Einiker-Lamas M, Girardini J, Costa MR and Banchio C (2018).
external page Specific Phospholipids Regulate the Acquisition of Neuronal and Astroglial Identities in Post-Mitotic Cells
Scientific Reports, 8: 460

Landeira BS, Santana TT, Araújo JA, Tabet EI, Tannous BA, Schroeder T, Costa MR (2018)
external page Activity-Independent Effects of CREB on Neuronal Survival and Differentiation during Mouse Cerebral Cortex Development
Cereb Cortex, 28: 538-548

May M, Denecke B, Schroeder T, Götz M and Faissner A (2018)
external page Cell tracking in vitro reveals that the extracellular matrix glycoprotein Tenascin-C modulates cell cycle length and differentiation in neural stem/progenitor cells of the developing mouse spinal cord
Biology Open
, 7: bio027730

Saitou K, Tokunaga M, Yoshino D, Sakitani N, Maekawa T, Ryu Y, Nagao M, Nakamoto H, Saito T, Kawanishi N, Suzuki K, Ogata T, Makuuchi M, Takashima A, Sawada K, Kawamura S, Nakazato K, Kouzaki K, Harada I, Ichihara Y and Sawada Y (2018)
external page Local Cyclical Compression Modulates Macrophage Function In Situ and Alleviates Immobilization-Induced Muscle Atrophy
Clinical Science, 132(19): 2147-2161


Coutu DL*, Kokkaliaris KD*, Kunz L and Schroeder T (2017)
external page Three-dimensional map of non-hematopoietic bone and bone marrow cells and molecules
Nature Biotechnology, 35: 1202–1210

Endele M, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD, Hilsenbeck O, Skylaki S, Hoppe PS, Schambach A, Stanley RE and Schroeder T (2017)
external page CSF-1 induced Src signaling can instruct monocytic lineage choice
Blood, 129: 1691-1701

Hilsenbeck O, Schwarzfischer M, Loeffler D, Dimopoulos S, Hastreiter S, Marr C, Theis FJ and Schroeder T (2017)
external page fastER: a user-friendly tool for ultrafast and robust cell segmentation in large-scale microscopy
Bioinformatics, 33: 2020-2028

Buggenthin F, Buettner F, Hoppe PS, Endele M, Kroiss M, Strasser M, Schwarzfischer M, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD, Hilsenbeck O, Schroeder T*, Theis FJ* and Marr C* (2017) *corresponding author
external page Prospective identification of hematopoietic lineage choice by deep learning
Nature Methods, 14: 403-406

Wang W, Fujii H, Kim HJ, Hermans K, Usenko T, Xie S, Luo ZJ, Ma J, Lo Celso C, Dick JE, Schroeder T, Krueger J, Wall D, Egeler RM, Zandstra PW (2017)
external page Enhancement of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell engraftment by blocking donor T cell-mediated tumor necrosis factor alpha signaling
Sci Transl Med, 9(421)

Etzrodt M and Schroeder T (2017)
external page Illuminating stem cell transcription factor dynamics: Long-term single-cell imaging of fluorescent protein fusions
Current Opinion in Biology, 49: 77-83

Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Buettner F, Sommerkamp P, Klimmeck D, Ladel L, Thalheimer F, Pastor-Flores D, Roma L, Renders S, Zeisberger P, Przybylla A, Schönberger K, Scognamiglio R, Altamura S, Florian CM, Fawaz M, Vonficht D, Tesio M, Collier P, Pavlinik D, Geiger H, Schroeder T, Benes V, Dick TP, Rieger MA, Stegle O and Trumpp A (2017)
external page Vitamin A/ Retinoic Acid Signaling Regulates Hematopoietic Stem Cell Dormancy
Cell, 169: 807-823.e19

Mohr S, Doebele C, Comoglio F, Berg T, Beck J, Bohnenberger H, Alexe G, Corso J, Ströbel P, Wachter A, Beissbarth T, Schnütgen F, Cremer A, Haetscher N, Göllner S, Rouhi A, Palmqvist L, Rieger MA, Schroeder T, Bönig H, Müller-Tidow C, Kuchenbauer F, Schütz E, Green AR, Urlaub H, Stegmaier K, Humphries RK, Serve H and Oellerich T (2017)
external page Hoxa9 and Meis1 Cooperatively Induce Addiction to Syk Signaling by Suppressing miR-146a in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Cancer Cell, 31: 549-562

Lang F, Wojcik B, Bothur S, Knecht C, Falkenburg FJH, Schroeder T, Serve H, Ottmann OG, Rieger MA (2017)
external page Plastic CD34 and CD38 expression in adult B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia explains ambiguity of leukemia-initiating stem cell populations
Leukemia, 31:731-734

Peng T, Thorn K, Schroeder T, Wang L, Theis F, Marr C, Navab N (2017)
external page A BaSiC Tool for Background and Shading Correction of Optical Microscopy Images
Nature Communications
, 8: 14836

Yuan GC, Cai L, Elowitz M, Enver T, Fan G, Guo G, Irizarry R, Kharchenko P, Kim J, Orkin S, Quackenbush J, Saadatpour A, Schroeder T, Shivdasani R, Tirosh I (2017)
external page Challenges and emerging directions in single-cell analysis
Genome Biology, 18:84

Kellogg RA, Tian C, Etzrodt M, Tay S (2017)
external page Cellular Decision Making by Non-Integrative Processing of TLR Inputs
Cell Reports, 19: 125-135

Chouchane M, Melo de Farias AR, Moura DMS, Hilscher MM, Schroeder T, Leão RN, Costa MR (2017)
external page Lineage Reprogramming of Astroglial Cells from Different Origins into Distinct Neuronal Subtypes
Stem Cell Reports, 9: 162-176

Landeira BS, Alves de Medeiros Araújo J, Schroeder T, Müller U, Costa MR (2017)
external page Live imaging of primary cerebral cortex cells using a 2D culture system
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Gomez-Villafuertes R, Paniagua-Herranz L, Gascón S, de Agustin-Duran D, de la O Ferreras M, Gil-Redondo JC, José Queipo M, Menendez-Mendez A, Pérez-Sen R, Delicado EG, Gualix J, Costa MR, Schroeder T, Miras-Portugal MT, Ortega F (2017)
external page Live imaging followed by single cell tracking to monitor cell biology and lineage progression of multiple neural populations
JoVe, 130


Hoppe PS, Schwarzfischer M, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD, Hilsenbeck O, Moritz N, Endele M, Filipczyk A, Gambardella A, Ahmed N, Etzrodt M, Coutu DL, Rieger MA, Marr C, Strasser M, Schauberger B, Burtscher I, Ermakova O, Bürger A, Lickert H, Nerlov C, Theis FJ and Schroeder T (2016)
external page Early myeloid lineage choice is not initiated by random PU.1 to GATA1 protein ratios
Nature, 535: 299-302

Hilsenbeck O*, Schwarzfischer M*, Skylaki S*, Schauberger B, Hoppe PS, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD, Hastreiter S, Skylaki E, Filipczyk A, Strasser M, Buggenthin F, Feigelman JS, Krumsiek J, van den Berg AJJ, Endele M, Etzrodt M, Marr C, Theis FJ* and Schroeder T* (2016)
external page Software tools for single-cell tracking and quantification of cellular and molecular properties
Nature Biotechnology, 34: 703-706

Kokkaliaris KD, Drew E, Endele M, Loeffler D, Hoppe PS, Hilsenbeck O, Schauberger B, Hinzen C, Skylaki S, Theodorou M, Kieslinger M, Lemischka I, Moore K and Schroeder T (2016)
external page Identification of factors promoting ex vivo maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells by long-term single-cell quantification
Blood, 128:1181-92

Skylaki S, Hilsenbeck O and Schroeder T (2016)
external page Challenges in long-term imaging and quantification of single cell dynamics
Nature Biotechnology, 34: 1137-1144

Hastreiter S and Schroeder T (2016)
external page Nanog dynamics in single embryonic stem cells
Cell Cycle, 15: 770-771

Kokkaliaris KD*, Lucas D*, Beerman I*, Kent DG, Perié L. (2016)
external page Understanding hematopoiesis from a single-cell standpoint
Exp Hematol, 44: 447-450
* equal contribution

Pietras M, Mirantes-Barbeito C, Fong S, Loeffler D, Kovtonyuk LV, Zhang SY, Lakshminarasimhan R, Chin CP, Techner J-M, Will B, Nerlov C, Steidl U, Manz MG, Schroeder T, Passegué E. (2016)
external page Interleukin-1 drives hematopoietic stem cells towards precocious myeloid differentiation at the expense of self-renewal
Nature Cell Biology, 18: 607-618

Gascón S, Murenu E, Masserdotti G, Ortega F, Russo GL, Petrik D, Deshpande A, Heinrich C, Karow M, Robertson SP, Schroeder T, Beckers J, Irmler M, Berndt C, Angeli JP, Conrad M, Berninger B, Götz M. (2016)
external page Identification and Successful Negotiation of a Metabolic Checkpoint in Direct Neuronal Reprogramming
Cell Stem Cell, 18: 396-409

Canli Ö, Alankuş YB, Grootjans S, Vegi N, Hültner L, Hoppe PS, Schroeder T, Vandenabeele P, Bornkamm GW and Greten FR (2016)
external page Glutathione peroxidase 4 prevents necroptosis in mouse erythroid precursors
Blood, 127: 139-148

Fagnocchi L, Cherubini A, Hatsuda H, Fasciani A, Mazzoleni S, Poli V, Berno V, Rossi R, Reinbold R, Endele M, Schroeder T, Rocchigiani M, Szkarłat Z, Oliviero S, Dalton S, Zippo A. (2016)
external page A Myc-driven self-reinforcing regulatory network maintains mouse embryonic stem cell identity
Nature Communications
, 7: 11903

Wingert S, Thalheimer FB, Haetscher N, Rehage M, Schroeder T, Rieger MA. (2016)
external page The DNA-damage response gene GADD45A induces differentiation in hematopoietic stem cells without inhibiting cell cycle or survival
Stem Cells, 34: 699-710

Birchler A, Berger M, Jäggin V, Lopes T, Etzrodt M, Misun PM, Pena-Francesch M, Schroeder T, Hierlemann A, Frey O. (2016)
external page Seamless Combination of Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting and Hanging-Drop Networks for Individual Handling and Culturing of Stem Cells and Microtissue Spheroids
Analytical Chemistry, 88: 1222-1229

Feigelman J, Ganscha S, Hastreiter S, Schwarzfischer M, Filipczyk ASchroeder T, Theis FJ, Marr C, Claassen M (2016)
external page Analysis of cell lineage trees by exact Bayesian inference identifies negative autoregulation of Nanog in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Cell Systems, 3: 480-490

Dursun E, Endele M, Musumecia A, Failmezger H, Wang SH, Tresch A, Schroeder T and Krug AB (2016)
external page Continuous single cell imaging reveals sequential steps of plasmacytoid dendritic cell development from common dendritic cell progenitors
Scientific Reports, 6: 37462

Cornwell JA, Hallet JR, Auf der Mauer S, Motazedian A, Schroeder T, Draper JS, Harvey RP and Nordon RE (2016)
external page Quantifying intrinsic and extrinsic control of single-cell fates in cancer and stem/progenitor cell pedigrees with competing risks analysis
Scientific Reports, 6: 27100

Engert A, and the authors of the EHA Roadmap for European Hematology Research (incl. Schroeder T) (2016)
external page The European Hematology Association Roadmap for European Hematology Research: a consensus document
Haematologica, 101: 115-208

Sarroca S, Molina-Martínez P, Aresté C, Etzrodt M, García de Frutos P, Gasa R, Antonell A, Molinuevo JL, Sánchez-Valle R, Saura CA, Lladó A, Sanfeliu C (2016)
external page Preservation of cell-survival mechanisms by the presenilin-1 K239N mutation may cause its milder clinical phenotype
Neurobiol. Aging, 46:169-79. 


Filipczyk A*, Marr C*, Hastreiter S*, Feigelman J, Schwarzfischer M, Hoppe PS, Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD, Endele M, Schauberger B, Hilsenbeck O, Skylaki S, Hasenauer J, Anastassiadis K, Theis FJ* and Schroeder T* (2015)
external page Network plasticity of pluripotency transcription factors in embryonic stem cells
Nature Cell Biology, 17: 1235-1246

Walter D, Lier A, Geiselhart A, Thalheimer F, Huntscha S, Sobotta M, Moehrle B, Brocks D, Bayindir I, Kaschutnig P, Muedder K, Klein C, Jauch A, Schroeder T, Geiger H, Dick T, Holland-Letz T, Schmezer P, Lane SW, Rieger MA, Essers MAG, Williams DA, Trumpp A and Milsom MD (2015)
external page Exit from dormancy provokes de novo DNA damage-induced cellular attrition in haematopoietic stem cells
Nature, 520: 549-552

Haas S, Hanson U, Klimmeck D, Loeffler D, Velten L, Uckelmann H, Wurzer S, Prendergast AM, Schnell A, Hexel K, Santarella-Mellwig R, Blaszkiewicz S, Kuck A, Geiger H, Milsom MD, Steinmetz LM, Schroeder T, Trumpp A, Krijgsveld J, Essers MAG (2015)
external page Inflammation-induced Emergency Megakaryopoiesis Driven by Hematopoietic Stem Cell-like Megakaryocyte Progenitors
Cell Stem Cell
, 17: 422-434

Mende N, Kuchen EE, Lesche M, Grinenko T, Kokkaliaris KD, Hanenberg H, Lindemann D, Dahl A, Platz A, Höfer T, Calegari F, Waskow C. (2015)
external page CCND1-CDK4-mediated cell cycle progression provides a competitive advantage for human hematopoietic stem cells in vivo.
J Exp Med, 212: 1171-1183

Rabenhorst U, Thalheimer FB, Gerlach K, Kijonka M, Böhm S, Krause D, Vauti F, Arnold HH, Schroeder T, Schnütgen F, von Melchner H, Rieger MA, Zörnig M (2015)
external page Single-stranded DNA-binding transcriptional regulator FUBP1 is essential for fetal and adult hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal
Cell Reports, 11: 1847-1855

Haetscher N, Feuermann Y, Wingert S, Rehage M, Thalheimer F, Weiser C, Bohnenberger H, Jung K, Schroeder T, Serve H, Oellerich T, Hennighausen L and Rieger MA (2015)
external page STAT5-regulated microRNA-193b controls haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell expansion by modulating cytokine receptor signalling
Nature Communications, 6: 8928

Sekhavati F, Endele M, Rappl S, Marel AK, Schroeder T, Rädler JO (2015)
external page Marker-Free Detection of Progenitor Cell Differentiation by Analysis of Brownian Motion in Micro-Wells
Integrative Biology, 7: 178-183

Yilmaz A, Engeler R, Constantinescu S, Kokkaliaris KD, Dimitrakopoulos C, Schroeder T, Beerenwinkel N and Paro R (2015)
external page Ectopic expression of Msx2 in mammalian myotubes recapitulates aspects of amphibian muscle dedifferentiation.
Stem Cell Research
, 15: 542-553

Chantzoura E, Skylaki S, Menendez S, Kim SI, Johnsson A, Linnarsson S, Woltjen K, Chambers I, Kaji K. (2015)
external page Reprogramming Roadblocks Are System Dependent.
Stem Cell Reports
, 5: 350-364

Niederberger T, Failmezger H, Uskat D, Poron D, Glauche I, Scherf N, Roeder I, Schroeder T and Tresch A (2015)
external page Factor graph analysis of live cell imaging data reveals mechanisms of cell fate decisions
Bioinformatics, 31: 1816-1823

Sykes SM*, Kokkaliaris KD*, Milsom MD*, Levine RL, Majeti R. (2015)
external page Clonal evolution of pre-leukemic hematopoietic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia.
Experimental Hematology
, 43: 989-992

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Etzrodt M, Endele M and Schroeder T (2014)
external page Quantitative single-cell approaches to stem cell research
Cell Stem Cell, 15: 546-558

Hoppe PS, Coutu DL, Schroeder T (2014)
external page Single-cell technologies sharpen up mammalian stem cell research
Nature Cell Biology, 16: 919-927

Endele M, Etzrodt M and Schroeder T (2014)
external page Instruction of hematopoietic lineage choice by cytokine signaling
Experimental Cell Research, 329: 207-213

Coutu DL, Mahfouz W, Loutochin O, Galipeau J, Corcos J (2014)
external page Tissue engineering of rat bladder using marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and bladder acellular matrix.
PLoS One, 9: e111966

Claussnitzer M, Dankel SN, Klocke B, Grallert H, Glunk V, Berulava T, Lee H, Oskolkov N, Fadista J, Ehlers K, Wahl S, Hoffmann C, Qian K, Rönn T, Riess H, Müller-Nurasyid M, Bretschneider N, Schroeder T, Skurk T, Horsthemke B, DIAGRAM+ Consortium, Spieler D, Klingenspor M, Seifert M, Kern MJ, Mejhert N, Dahlman I, Hansson O, Hauck SM, Blüher M, Arner P, Groop L, Illig T, Suhre K, Hsu YH, Mellgren G, Hauner H and Laumen H (2014)
external page Leveraging cross-species transcription factor binding site patterns: from diabetes risk Loci to disease mechanisms.
Cell, 156: 343-358

Tanaka Y, Sanchez V, Takata N, Yokomizo T, Yamanaka Y, Kataoka H, Hoppe PS, Schroeder T and Nishikawa SI (2014)
external page Circulation-Independent Differentiation Pathway from Extraembryonic Mesoderm toward Hematopoietic Stem Cells via Hemogenic Angioblasts
Cell Reports, 8: 31-39

Hasemann MS, Lauridsen FKB, Waage J, Jakobsen JS, Frank AK, Schuster MB, Rapin N, Bagger FO, Hoppe PS, Schroeder T and Porse BT (2014)
external page C/EBPα Is Required for Long-Term Self-Renewal and Lineage Priming of Hematopoietic Stem Cells and for the Maintenance of Epigenetic Configurations in Multipotent Progenitors
PLoS Genetics, 10: e1004079

Thalheimer FB, Wingert S, De Giacomo P, Haetscher N, Rehage M, Brill B, Theis F, Hennighausen L, Schroeder T, Rieger MA (2014)
external page Cytokine-regulated Gadd45γ induces differentiation and lineage selection in hematopoietic stem cells
Stem Cell Reports, 3: 34-43

Khakhutskyy V, Schwarzfischer M, Hubig N, Plant C, Marr C, Rieger MA, Schroeder T and Theis FJ (2014)
external page Centroid clustering of cellular lineage trees
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8649: 15-29

Pertek A, Meier F, Irmler M, Beckers J, Skylaki S, Endele M, Wurst W, Prakash N, Kühn R. (2014)
external page Simple Derivation of Transgene-Free iPS Cells by a Dual Recombinase Approach.
Molecular Biotechnology, 56: 697-713

Cabrera CM, Tilahun E, Nakles R, Diaz-Cruz ES, Charabaty A, Suy S, Jackson P, Ley L, Slack R, Jha R, Collins SP, Haddad N, Kallakury BVS, Schroeder T, Pishvaian MJ, and Furth P (2014)
external page Human pancreatic cancer-associated stellate cells remain activated after in vivo chemoradiation
Frontiers in Oncology, 4: 102

Araújo GLL, Araújo JAM, Schroeder T, Tort ABL, Costa MR (2014)
external page Sonic hedgehog signaling regulates mode of cell division of early cerebral cortex progenitors and increases astrogliogenesis
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8: 77

Coutu DL* and Galipeau J. (2014) *corresponding author
Molecular and endocrine mechanisms underlying the stem cell theory of aging.
Adult stem cells (K.Turksen ed.), pp.389-417

Trompouki E, King KY, Will B, Lessard J, Flores-Figueroa E, Kokkaliaris KD, Bowman T (2014)
external page Bloody signals: From birth to disease and death.
Experimental Hematology, 42: 989-994

Tsakiridis A, Huang Y, Blin G, Skylaki S, Wymeersch F, Osorno R, Economou C, Karagianni E, Zhao S, Lowell S and Wilson V (2014)
external page Distinct Wnt-driven primitive streak-like populations reflect in vivo lineage precursors.
Development, 141: 1209-1221

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Filipczyk A, Gkatzis K, Fu J, Hoppe PS, Lickert H, Anastassiadis K and Schroeder T (2013)
external page Biallelic expression of nanog protein in mouse embryonic stem cells
Cell Stem Cell, 13: 12-31

Coutu DL and Schroeder T (2013)
external page Probing cellular processes by long-term live imaging – historic problems and current solutions
Journal of Cell Science, 126: 3805-3815

Schroeder T (2013)
external page Heterogeneity of sister cell fates
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 14: 327

O’Malley J, Skylaki S, Iwabuchi KA, Chantzoura E, Ruetz T, Johnsson A, Tomlinson SR, Linnarsson S and Kaji K (2013)
external page High resolution analysis with novel cell-surface markers identifies routes to iPS cells
Nature, 499: 88-91

Ortega F, Gascón S, Masserdotti G, Deshpande A, Simon C, Fischer J, Dimou L, Lie DC, Schroeder T and Berninger B (2013)
external page Oligodendrogliogenic and neurogenic adult subependymal zone neural stem cells constitute distinct lineages and exhibit differential responsiveness to Wnt signalling
Nature Cell Biology, 15: 602-613

Rengstl B, Newrzela S, Heinrich T, Weiser C, Thalheimer FB, Schmid F, Warner K, Hartmann S, Schroeder T, Küppers R, Rieger MA and Hansmann ML (2013)
external page Incomplete cytokinesis and re-fusion of small mononucleated Hodgkin cells lead to giant multinucleated Reed-Sternberg cells
PNAS, 110: 20729-20734

Swiers G, Baumann C, O’Rourke J, Giannoulatou E, Taylor S, Joshi A, Moignard V, Pina C, Bee T, Kokkaliaris KD, Yoshimoto M, Yoder M, Frampton J, Schroeder T, Enver T, Gottgens B and de Bruijn MFTR (2013)
external page Early dynamic fate changes in haemogenic endothelium characterised at the single cell level
Nature Communications, 4:2924

Müller TD, Lee SJ, Jastroch M, Kabra D, Stemmer K, Aichler M, Abplanalp B, Ananthakrishnan G, Bhardwaj N, Collins S, Divanovic S, Endele M, Finan B, Gao Y, Habegger KM, Hembree J, Heppner KM, Hofmann S, Holland J, Küchler D, Kutschke M, Krishna R, Lehti M, Oelkrug R, Ottaway N, Perez-Tilve D, Raver C, Walch AK, Schriever SC, Speakman J, Tseng YH, Diaz-Meco M, Pfluger PT, Moscat J and Tschöp MH. (2013)
external page p62 links β-adrenergic input to mitochondrial function and thermogenesis.
J Clin Invest, 123: 469-478

Montrone C, Kokkaliaris KD, Loeffler D, Lechner M, Kastenmüller G, Schroeder T and Ruepp A (2013)
external page HSC-Explorer: a curated database for hematopoietic stem cells
PLoS One, 8: e70348

Buggenthin F, Marr C, Schwarzfischer M, Hoppe PS, Hilsenbeck O, Schroeder T and Theis FJ (2013)
external page An automatic pipeline for robust cell detection in bright field images of high-throughput microscopy
BMC Bioinformatics, 14: 297

Nakles RE, Millman S, Cabrera MC, Johnson P, Mueller S, Hoppe PS, Schroeder T and Furth PA (2013)
external page Time-lapse Imaging of Primary Preneoplastic Mammary Epithelial Cells Derived from Genetically Engineered Mouse Models of Breast Cancer
J Vis Exp, 72: e50198

Gewies A, Castineiras-Vilarino M, Ferch U, Jährling N, Heinrich K, Hoeckendorf U, Przemeck GKH, Munding M, Gross O, Schroeder T, Horsch M, Karran EL, Majid A, Antonowicz S, Beckers J, Hrabé de Angelis M, Dodt HU, Peschel C, Foerster I, Dyer MJS and Ruland J (2013)
external page Prdm6 Is Essential for Cardiovascular Development In Vivo
PLoS ONE, 8: e81833

Despars G, Carbonneau CL, Bardeau P, Coutu DL and Beauséjour CM (2013)
external page Loss of the osteogenic differentiation potential during senescence is limited to bone progenitor cells and is dependent on p53
PLoS One, 8: e73206

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Rieger MA and Schroeder T (2012)
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, 4
and book: Mammalian Development: Networks, Switches, and Morphogenetic Processes
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, edited by Nelson, Rossant and Tam

Chambers I and Schroeder T (2012)
external page Stem cell powwow in Squaw Valley
Development, 139: 2457-2461

Endele M and Schroeder T (2012)
external page Molecular live cell bioimaging in stem cell research
Hematopoietic Stem Cells VIII
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1266: 18-27

Kokkaliaris KD, Loeffler D and Schroeder T (2012)
external page Advances in tracking Hematopoiesis at the single-cell level
Current Opinion in Hematology, 19: 243-249

Marr C, Strasser M, Schwarzfischer M, Schroeder T and Theis FJ (2012)
external page Multi-scale modeling of GMP differentiation based on single-cell genealogies
FEBS Journal, 279: 3488-3500

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Schroeder T (2011)
external page Long-term single-cell imaging of mammalian stem cells
Nature Methods, 8: S30-35

Loeffler D, Kokkaliaris KD and Schroeder T (2011)
external page Wnt to notch relay signaling induces definitive hematopoiesis
Cell Stem Cell, 9: 2-4

Warlich E, Kühle J, Cantz T, Brugman M, Maetzig T, Galla M, Filipczyk AA, Foerster R, Klump H, Schöler HR, Baum C, Schroeder T* and Schambach A* (2011) * corresponding author
external page Lentiviral vector design and imaging approaches to visualize the early stages of cellular reprogramming
Molecular Therapy, 19: 782-789

Nordon RE, Ko KH, Odell R and Schroeder T (2011)
external page Multi-type branching models to describe cell differentiation programs
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 277: 7-18

Eilken HM, Rieger MA, Hoppe PS, Hermann AC, Smejkal BM, Drew EC, Thum M, Ninkovic J, Beckervordersandforth RM and Schroeder T (2011)
external page Continuous long-term detection of live cell surface markers by ‘in culture’ antibody staining
Protocols Exchange, DOI: 10.1038/protex.2011.205

Heinrich C, Gascón S, Masserdotti G, Lepier A, Sánchez R, Simon-Ebert T, Schroeder T, Götz M and Berninger B (2011)
external page Generation of subtype-specific neurons from postnatal astroglia of the mouse cerebral cortex
Nature Protocols, 6: 214-228

Ortega F, Costa MR, Simon-Ebert T, Schroeder T, Götz M and Berninger B (2011)
external page Using an adherent cell culture of the mouse subependymal zone to study the behavior of adult neural stem cells on a single-cell level
Nature Protocols, 6: 1847-1859

Costa M, Ortega F, Brill M, Beckervordersandforth-Bonk R, Petrone C, Schroeder T, Götz M and Berninger B (2011)
external page Continuous live imaging of adult neural stem cell division and lineage progression in vitro
Development, 138: 1057-1068

Asami M, Pilz G, Ninkovic J, Godinho L, Schroeder T, Huttner W and Götz M (2011)
external page The role of Pax6 in regulating the orientation and mode of cell division of progenitors in the mouse cerebral cortex
Development, 138: 5067-5078

Krumsiek J, Marr C, Schroeder T and Theis FJ (2011)
external page Hierarchical differentiation of myeloid progenitors is encoded in the regulatory logic of the transcription factor network
PLoS One, 6: e22649

Tonge PD, Shigeta M, Schroeder T, Andrews PW (2011)
external page Functionally Defined Substates within the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Compartment
Stem Cell Research, 7:145-153

Roeder I, Loeffler M, Glauche I, Bornhaeuser M, Buske P, Clarke G, Cross M, Efroni S, Ilan B, Essers M, Galle J, Giangreco A, Glauche I, Griessinger E, Hoppe P, Kobel S, Krinner A, Lauffenburger D, Lemischka I, LoCelso C, Loeffler M, Lutolf M, Moore K, Nazareth E, Oostendorp R, Palmer M, Pompe T, Rocheteau P, Roeder I, Scherf N, Schroeder T, Tajbakhsh S, Vilne B, van der Wath R, Waskow C, Werner C, Yaromina A, Zandstra P (2011)
external page Towards a quantitative understanding of stem cell–niche interaction: Experiments, models, and technologies
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, 46: 308-317

Schwarzfischer M, Marr C, Krumsiek J, Hoppe PS, Schroeder T and Theis FJ (2011)
Efficient fluorescent image normalization for time lapse movies
Proc. Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology, Heidelberg, Germany, 2. Sept. 2011

Coutu, D.L. & Galipeau, J. (2011)
external page Roles of FGF signaling in stem cell self-renewal, senescence and aging
Aging, 3: 920-933

  • Nature Technology Feature on Single Cell Analysis highlighting our approaches:
    Schubert C (2011)
    The deepest differences
    Nature, 480: 133 - 137
  • Nature Jobs Feature on Single Cell Imaging highlighting our facility:
    Maxmen A (2011)
    Single-cell analysis: Imaging is everything
    Nature, 480: 139 - 141

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Schroeder T (2010)
external page Hematopoietic stem cell heterogeneity: Subtypes, not unpredictable behavior
Cell Stem Cell, 6: 203-207

Schroeder T (2010)
external page The electronic crystal ball: Predicting cell fate from time lapse data
Nature Methods, 7: 190–191

Ninkovic J, Pinto L, Petricca S, Rieger MA, Schroeder T, Ashery-Padan R, Favor J and Götz M (2010)
external page The transcription factor Pax6 regulates survival of dopaminergic olfactory bulb neurons via crystallin alpha
Neuron, 68: 682-694

Heinrich C, Blum R, Gascon S, Masserdotti G, Tripathi P, Sánchez R, Tiedt S, Schroeder T, Götz M and Berninger B (2010)
external page Directing Astroglia from the Cerebral Cortex into Subtype Specific Functional Neurons
PLoS Biology, 8: e1000373

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Rieger MA, Hoppe PS, Smejkal BM, Eitelhuber AC and Schroeder T (2009)
external page Hematopoietic cytokines can instruct lineage choice
Science, 325: 217 - 218

Eilken HM
, Nishikawa SI and Schroeder T (2009)
external page Continuous single-cell imaging of blood generation from haemogenic endothelium
Nature, 457: 896 - 900

Kimura A*, Rieger MA*, Simone JM, Chen W, Wickre MC, Zhu BM, Hoppe PS, O’Shea J, Schroeder T** and Hennighausen L** (2009)
* and ** equal contributions
external page The transcription factors STAT5A/B regulate GM-CSF-mediated granulopoiesis
Blood, 114: 4721 - 4728

Rieger MA and Schroeder T (2009)
external page Analysing cell fate control by cytokines through continuous single cell biochemistry
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 108: 343 - 352

Rieger MA, Smejkal BM and Schroeder T (2009)
external page Improved prospective identification of megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitor cells
British Journal of Haematology, 144: 448 - 451

Rieger MA and Schroeder T (2009)
external page Instruction of lineage choice by hematopoietic cytokines
Cell Cycle, 8: 4019 - 4020

Costa M, Bucholz O, Schroeder T and Götz M (2009)
external page Late origin of glia-restricted progenitors in the developing mouse cerebral cortex
Cerebral Cortex, 19 Suppl 1: i135 - 143

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Schroeder T (2008)
external page Imaging stem cell driven mammalian regeneration
Nature, 453: 345 - 351

  • Interview (Q&A) of Nature editor Monya Baker with Timm Schroeder about stem cell tracking: external page More...

Rieger MA and Schroeder (2008)
external page Exploring hematopoiesis at single cell resolution
Cells Tissues Organs, 188: 139-149

Henning K*, Heering J*, Schwanbeck R*, Schroeder T*, Helmbold H, Schäfer H, Deppert W, Kim E and Just U (2008) * equal contribution
external page Notch1 activation reduces proliferation in multipotent hematopoietic progenitor cell line FDCP-mix through a p53-dependent pathway but Notch1 effects on myeloid and erythroid differentiation are independent of p53
Cell Death and Differentiation, 15: 398-407

Drew EC and Schroeder T (2008)
The Big Brother of Blood: The need for constant video surveillance of individual cells
New Cell Differentiation Research Topics, edited by H Saitama
Nova Science Publishers, 229 - 246

Costa M, Wen G, Lepier A, Schroeder T and Götz M (2008)
external page Par complex proteins promote proliferating progenitor divisions in the developing mouse cerebral cortex
Development, 135: 11-22

Schwanbeck R, Schroeder T, Henning K, Kohlhof H, Rieber N, Erfurth ML and Just U (2008)
external page Notch signalling in embryonic and adult hematopoiesis
Cells Tissues Organs, 188: 91-102

Rastelli J, Hömig C, Seagal J, Müller W, Hermann A, Rajewsky K and Zimber-Strobl U (2008)
external page LMP1 signaling can replace CD40 signaling in B cells in vivo and has unique features of inducing class-switsh recombination to IgG1
Blood, 111: 1448-1455

Klier M, Anastasov N, Hermann A, Meindl T, Angermeier D, Raffeld M, Fend F and Quintanilla-Martinez L (2008)
external page Specific lentiviral shRNA-mediated knockdown of cyclin D1 in mantle cell lymphoma has minimal effects on cell survival and reveals a regulatory circuit with cyclin D2
Leukemia, 22: 2097-2105

Arakawa H, Kudo H, Batrak V, Caldwell RB, Rieger MA, Ellwart JW and Buerstedde JM (2008)
external page Protein evolution by hypermutation and selection in the B cell line DT40
Nucleic Acids Research, 36: e1

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Schroeder T (2007)
external page Asymmetric cell division in normal and malignant hematopoietic precursor cells
Cell Stem Cell, 1: 479-481

Henning K*, Schroeder T*, Schwanbeck R, Rieber N, Bresnick E and Just U (2007) * equal contribution
external page mNotch1 signaling and erythropoietin cooperate in erythroid differentiation of multipotent progenitor cells and upregulate β-globin
Experimental Hematology, 35: 1321 - 1332

Rieger MA and Schroeder T (2007)
Hämatopoetische Stammzellen
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Biospektrum, 3.2007: 254-256

Berninger B, Costa M, Schroeder T, Koch U, Sutor B, Grothe B and Götz M (2007)
external page Functional properties of neurons derived from in-vitro reprogrammed postnatal astroglia
The Journal of Neuroscience, 27: 8654 - 8664

Fürst R, Schroeder T, Eilken HM, Bubik M, Kiemer A, Zahler S and Vollmar A (2007)
external page MKP-1 represents a novel anti-inflammatory target of glucocorticoids in the human endothelium
FASEB Journal, 21: 74-80

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Schroeder T
*, Meier-Stiegen F, Schwanbeck R, Eilken H, Nishikawa S, Häsler R, Schreiber S, Bornkamm GW, Nishikawa SI and Just U* (2006) * corresponding author
external page Activated Notch1 alters differentiation of embryonic stem cells into mesodermal cell lineages at multiple stages of development
Mechanisms of Development, 123: 570-579

Cappello S, Attardo A, Wu X, Iwasato T, Itohara S, Wilsch-Brauninger M, Eilken HM, Rieger MA, Schroeder T, HuttnerWB, Brakebusch C and Götz M (2006)
external page The Rho-GTPase cdc42 regulates cortical progenitor fate at the apical surface
Nature Neuroscience, 9: 1099-1107

Yurugi –Kobayashi Y, Itoh H, Schroeder T, Nakano A, Narazaki G, Kita F, Yanagi K, Hiraoka-Kanie M, Inoue E, Ara T, Nagasawa T, Just U, Nakao K, Nishikawa SI and Yamashita J (2006)
external page Adrenomedullin/cyclic AMP pathway induces Notch activation and differentiation of arterial endothelial cells from vascular progenitors
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 26: 1977-1984

Wolff H, Hartl A, Eilken HM, Hadian K, Ziegler M and Brack-Werner R (2006)
external page A live-cell assay for simultaneous monitoring of expression and interaction of proteins
Biotechniques, 41: 688-692

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Schroeder T. (2005)

external page Tracking Hematopoiesis at the Single Cell Level.
Hematopoietic Stem Cells V,
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
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Czuchra A., Wu X., Meyer H., van Hengel J., Schroeder T., Rottner K. and Brakebusch C. (2005)
external page Cdc42 is not essential for filopodium formation, directed migration, cell polarization and mitosis in fibroblastoid cells
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 16: 4473-4484

Mayer R., Brero A., von Hase J., Schroeder T., Cremer T. and Dietzel S. (2005)
external page Common Themes and Cell Type Specific Variations of Higher Order Chromatin Arrangements in the Mouse
BMC Cell Biol, 6: 44

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Okita C., Sato M. and Schroeder T. (2004)
external page Generation of optimized yellow and red fluorescent proteins with distinct subcellular localization.
Biotechniques, 36: 418-423

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Schroeder T.
, Fraser S., Ogawa M., Nishikawa S., Oka C., Bornkamm GW., Nishikawa SI., Honjo T. and Just U. (2003)
external page Recombination signal sequence-binding protein Jk alters mesodermal cell fate decisions by suppressing cardiomyogenesis.
PNAS, 100: 4018-4023

Schroeder T. , Kohlhof H., Rieber N. and Just U. (2003)
external page Notch signaling induces multilineage myeloid differentiation and up-regulates PU.1 expression.
The Journal of Immunology, 170: 5538-5548

McIvor Z., Hein S., Fiegler H., Schroeder T., Stocking C., Just U. and Cross M. (2003)
external page Transient expression of PU.1 commits multipotent progenitors to a myeloid fate whereas continued expression favors macrophage over granulocyte differentiation.
Experimental Hematology, 31: 39-47

Mathys S., Schroeder T., Ellwart J., Koszinowski U. , Messerle M. and Just U. (2003)
external page Dendritic cells under influence of mouse cytomegalovirus have a physiologic dual role: to initiate and to restrict T cell activation.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187: 988-999

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Schroeder, T.
and Just, U. (2000)
external page Notch signalling via RBP-J promotes myeloid differentiation.
EMBO Journal, 19: 2558-2568

Schroeder, T. and Just, U. (2000)
external page mNotch1 signaling reduces proliferation of myeloid progenitor cells by altering cell-cycle kinetics.
Experimental Hematology, 28: 1206-1213

Schroeder, T. , Lange, C., Strehl, J. and Just, U. (2000)
external page Generation of functionally mature dendritic cells from the multipotential stem cell line FDCP-mix.
British Journal of Haematology, 111: 890-897

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Drzeniek, Z., Stocker, G., Siebertz, B., Just, U., Schroeder, T., Ostertag, W. and Haubeck, H.D. (1999)
external page Heparan sulfate proteoglycan expression is induced during early erythroid differentiation of multipotent hematopoietic stem cells.
Blood, 93: 2884-2897

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