MAR '10 Andrea defends her thesis.
Congratulations Dr. Hermann!
MAR '10 Timm's Cell Stem Cell review published
on hematopoietic stem cell heterogeneity
DEC '09 Michael starts independent group Frankfurt.
Congratulations Professor Rieger!
JUL '09 Michael's Science paper published
Hematopoietic lineage instruction by cytokines proven
FEB '09 Hanna defends her thesis
Congratulations Dr. Eilken!
FEB '09 Hanna's Nature paper published
Existence of hemogenic endothelial cells proven
NOV '08 Research visit of Michael
at the NIH, Bethesda, USA
OCT '08 Lab retreat in Virginia
with Hennighausen (NIH), Rosen (Baylor College of Medicine) and Kopchick (Ohio U) labs on Isobel Island, Virginia, USA
JUN '07 Lothar Hennighausen joins lab for sabbatical
from NIH (Bethesda, USA)
NOV '06 Timm joins Scientific Program Committee
International Society of Experimental Hematology for the future annual meetings in Hamburg, Germany and Boston, USA