FEB '15 Timm organizes Keystone meeting

‘Hematopoiesis’ in Keystone, Colorado, USA.
JUL '14 Timm elected President

of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH).
JUN '14 Timm joins Steering Committee

of the Swiss Stem Cell Network
JUN '14 Timm joins Editorial Board

of the journal PLoS Biology
MAY '14 Retreat with EPFL and DKFZ groups

Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Barrandon, Radtke, Lutolf, Hülsken and Wolfer and Heidelberg DKFZ’s Essers Groups.
MAY '14 Retreat with Tay group

Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with the ETHZ D-BSSE’s Tay Group.
OCT '13 Timm organizes Abcam meeting

"Quantitative Single Cell Biology in Stem Cell Research" in Munich, Germany
AUG '13 Laura wins fellowship

SystemsX Transition Postdoc Fellowship (TPdF). Congratulations!
MAR '12 Timm and Simon at retreat in California
with members of the Chambers (Edinburgh, UK), Wandless (Stanford, USA) and Lee (Berkeley, USA) labs in Marconi, California, USA
MAR '12 Research visit of Simon

at Berkeley University, USA
JUN '11 Timm is now director of the new research unit Stem Cell Dynamics

at the Helmholtz Center München
SEP '11 Research visit of Dirk

at the Terry Fox Laboratories Vancouver, Canada
APR '11 Timm organizes the 2nd Singapore-German Stem Cell Symposium

Neuherberg / Munich, Germany
OCT '10 Hanna wins the PhD student of the year award
by the Helmholtz Center Munich. Congratulations!
AUG '10 Hanna receives the national Hermann Rein award

Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology. Congratulations!
APR '10 Konstantinos wins fellowship

DAAD fellowship. Congratulations!
FEB '10 Timm selected as PI in EuroSyStem

European consortium on Stem Cell Research and Systems Biology
SEP '09 Timm joins the Board of Directors

The Society for Hematology and Stem Cells
MAY '08 Timm's Nature review published

on single cell imaging of mammalian stem cells
MAR '08 Research visit of Hanna

at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan
SEP '05 Timm joins Scientific Program Committee

International Society of Stem Cell Research for the future annual meetings in Toronto, Canada and Cairns, Australia