JAN '18 Daniel, Konstantinos and Leo's Nature Methods paper published

Multicolor quantitative confocal imaging cytometry
DEC '17 Weijia's Science Translational Medicine paper published

Enhanced human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell engraftment by blocking donor T cell–mediated TNFα signaling
DEC '17 Jeff wins EMBO long-term fellowship

DEC '17 Weijia wins ETH Career Seed Grant

Dec '17 Nature Biotechnology cover

for Dan, Konstantinos and Leo’s image of the central sinus of mouse bone marrow
DEC '17 Daniel and Konstantinos' Nature Biotechnology paper published

Three-dimensional map of nonhematopoietic bone and bone-marrow cells and molecules
Nov '17 Timm receives SNF R’Equip grant

As lead PI on group grant ‘Confocal Microscope with spectral detection, FLIM and laser ablation’
Nov '17 Timm receives ETHZ SEP grant

As lead PI on group grant ‘Confocal Microscope with spectral detection, FLIM and laser ablation’
NOV '17 Timm participates in podium discussion

about ‘Zurich pioneering spirit for the medicine of the future‘ at the University Medicine Zurich annual event.
SEP '17 Timm wins Erwin Schrödinger Prize for interdisciplinary research

with Fabian Theis and Carsten Marr, Munich Germany, and Laleh Haghverdi, Cambridge UK, for their interdisciplinary work ‘Computational single cell profiling quantifies plasticity during blood stem cell differentiation’
SEP '17 Weijia featured in SystemsX film

The Human Body: the ultimate frontier of complexity
SEP '17 Leo wins poster prize

at annual meeting of the Swiss Stem Cell Network (SSCN) in Lausanne
SEP '17 Amgen Scholar Valentina Lorenzi wins poster prize

First prize for best poster presentation of final Amgen students meeting in Cambridge, UK
AUG '17 Weijia receives travel grant

from the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Konstantinos receives travel grants

from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Dirk receives travel grants

from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Martin receives travel grant

to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Frankfurt, Germany
AUG '17 Tobi receives travel grant

to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Frankfurt, Germany
JUN '17 Timm receives FreeNovation grant

As co-PI in Novartis FreeNovation grant ‘Microfluidic 3D lymph node tissue engineering’ with Matthias Mehling from Basel University
MAY '17 Leo and Tobi organize retreat with EPFL, Basel University and DKFZ groups

Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Radtke, Lutolf, Deplancke, Suter and Naveiras, Basel University’s Martin and Heidelberg DKFZ’s Trumpp and Essers Groups. This year organized by Leo and Tobi.
APR '17 Laura, Timm and Dirk’s cell movie featured in D-BSSE image film

The image film was produced for the department's 10 year anniversary.
APR '17 Philipp wins Bruno Speck award

for Nature paper ‘Early myeloid lineage choice is not initiated by random PU.1 to GATA1 protein ratios’
MAR '17 Oliver’s Bioinformatics paper published

fastER: a user-friendly tool for ultrafast and robust cell segmentation in large-scale microscopy
FEB '17 Felix’s Nature Methods paper published

Prospective identification of hematopoietic lineage choice by deep learning
FEB '17 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups

Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Basel and Zurich University groups.
FEB '17 Max’s Blood paper published

CSF-1-induced Src signaling can instruct monocytic lineage choice
FEB '17 Ilya’s one year lab meeting anniversary

Congratulations - Excellent job! Never disturbed once (but scientific contributions could still improve)