JAN '18 Daniel, Konstantinos and Leo's Nature Methods paper published

DEC '17 Weijia's Science Translational Medicine paper published

DEC '17 Jeff wins EMBO long-term fellowship

DEC '17 Weijia wins ETH Career Seed Grant

Dec '17 Nature Biotechnology cover

DEC '17 Daniel and Konstantinos' Nature Biotechnology paper published

Nov '17 Timm receives SNF R’Equip grant

Nov '17 Timm receives ETHZ SEP grant

NOV '17 Timm participates in podium discussion

SEP '17 Timm wins Erwin Schrödinger Prize for interdisciplinary research

SEP '17 Weijia featured in SystemsX film

SEP '17 Leo wins poster prize

SEP '17 Amgen Scholar Valentina Lorenzi wins poster prize

AUG '17 Weijia receives travel grant

AUG '17 Konstantinos receives travel grants

AUG '17 Dirk receives travel grants

AUG '17 Martin receives travel grant

AUG '17 Tobi receives travel grant

JUN '17 Timm receives FreeNovation grant

MAY '17 Leo and Tobi organize retreat with EPFL, Basel University and DKFZ groups

APR '17 Laura, Timm and Dirk’s cell movie featured in D-BSSE image film

APR '17 Philipp wins Bruno Speck award

MAR '17 Oliver’s Bioinformatics paper published

FEB '17 Felix’s Nature Methods paper published

FEB '17 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups

FEB '17 Max’s Blood paper published

FEB '17 Ilya’s one year lab meeting anniversary

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