FEB '19 Martin and Nouraiz's Blood paper published

Inflammatory signals directly instruct PU.1 in HSCs via TNF
JAN '19 Leo receives travel grant

from Keystone Symposia to present at the Single Cell Biology Keystone meeting in Colorado, USA
DEC '18 Olli defends his thesis.

Congratulations Dr. Hilsenbeck!
NOV ‘18 Timm wins Cloëtta Prize

national Swiss prize for medical research by The Professor Dr Max Cloëtta Foundation
OCT '18 Timm and Paul featured in nano/3sat TV feature

on Paul’s paper ‘In vitro biomimetic engineering of a human hematopoietic niche with functional properties’
Oct '18 Simon receives travel grant

from the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual Berlin Summer Meeting in Germany
Sep ‘18 Analytical Chemistry cover

for Phil's image depicting the evolution of a microfluidic chip from conception to implementation
Sep ‘18 Paul now professor at Lund University, Sweden

Congratulations Professor Bourgine!
AUG '18 Konstantinos wins ISEH New Investigator award

Eugene Cronkite Award - First prize for postdoctoral fellows by the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH)
AUG '18 Arne wins Merck Innovation Cup 2018

with his synthetic biology project "From Plastics to Biologics"
AUG '18 Dirk receives travel grants

from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH), SystemsX.ch and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Los Angeles, USA
AUG '18 Konstantinos receives travel grants

from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Los Angeles, USA
AUG '18 Phil and Martin's Analytical Chemistry paper published

Automated Microfluidic System for Dynamic Stimulation and Tracking of Single Cells
JUN '18 Timm receives SNF grant

with Excellence Grants ranking: ‘Molecular dynamics in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell fate control’
JUN '18 Paul's PNAS paper published

In vitro biomimetic engineering of a human hematopoietic niche with functional properties
JUN '18 Simon's Stem Cell Reports paper published

Inductive and Selective Effects of GSK3 and MEK Inhibition on Nanog Heterogeneity in Embryonic Stem Cells
JUN '18 Dan now professor at Ottawa University, Canada

Congratulations Professor Coutu!
May '18 Simon defends his thesis

Congratulations Dr. Hastreiter!
MAR '18 Shunsuke wins EMBO long-term fellowship

MAR '18 Timm co-organizes Wellcome Genome Campus conference ‘Single Cell Biology’

in Hinxton, Cambridge UK.
MAR '18 Paul's Cell Stem Cell review published

Engineering Human Bone Marrow Proxies
FEB '18 Dirk's Blood paper published

Mouse and human HSPC immobilization in liquid culture by CD43 or CD44-antibody coating
FEB '18 Research visit of Leo

at the Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada
FEB '18 Leo wins Böhringer Ingelheim Fonds travel grant

For research visit in Vancouver, Canada. Congratulations!
JAN '18 Retreat with Basel and Zürich hematology groups

Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Basel and Zurich University groups.