DEC '19 Leo's Cell Stem Cell paper published

A 3D tissue-wide digital imaging pipeline for quantitation of secreted molecules shows absence of CXCL12 gradients in bone marrow
NOV '19 German wins PhD student of the year award

of the Helmholtz Center Munich. Congratulations!
OCT '19 Andreas defends his thesis

Congratulations Dr. Reimann!
SEP '19 Dirk’s Nature paper published

Asymmetric lysosome inheritance predicts activation of haematopoietic stem cells
SEP '19 German wins GSCN Publication of the Year 2019 award

for his paper ‘The centrosome protein AKNA regulates neurogenesis via microtubule organization’, Nature 2019 Congratulations!
AUG '19 Shunsuke wins JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship

JUL '19 Leo defends his thesis.

Congratulations Dr. Kunz!
JUN '19 Dirk receives travel grant

to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Brisbane, Australia
JUN '19 Nouraiz receives travel grant

from the the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) to present at the annual ISEH meeting in Brisbane, Australia
JUN '19 Tobi receives travel grant

to present at the annual meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) in Brisbane, Australia
JUN '19 Retreat with EPFL, Basel University and DKFZ groups

Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Lausanne EPFL’s Radtke, Huelsken, Deplancke, Suter and Naveiras, Basel University’s Martin and Heidelberg DKFZ Esser groups
MAY '19 German wins EMBO long-term fellowship

MAY '19 German wins ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship

MAY '19 Timm receives SNF Sinergia grant

‘Elucidating the human mesenchymal bone marrow stromal hierarchy in health and disease’ with groups from EPFL and Zurich University.
MAR '19 Retreat with Basel hematology group

Cell Systems Dynamics Group on joint retreat with Basel University group
MAR '19 Timm organizes European Red Cell Society meeting

in Ascona, Switzerland
FEB '19 Dirk's Blood review published

Understanding Cell Fate Control by Continuous Single Cell Quantification
JAN '19 Dirk wins ETH Career Seed Grant

JAN '19 Timm organizes Keystone meeting 'Single Cell Biology'

in Colorado, USA
JAN '19 Arne is Keystone Conference Assistant

for the Single Cell Biology meeting in Colorado, USA