BEL EU-FP7-ICT-FET project listed in "Achievements of FP7 examples that make us proud"
BEL FP7-ICT-FET project "Body on a chip" (2012-2015) with partners InSphero AG (CH), KU Leuven (BE), Ifado Dortmund (D), Astra Zeneca (UK) listed as Swiss example in a brochure Achievements of FP7 examples that make us proud.

The EU-FP7 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Future Emerging Technologies (FET) project external page "BOC: Body on a chip” (2012-2015, Grant Agreement Number 296257) with partners external page InSphero AG, Zurich, Switzerland, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, Ifado Dortmund, Germany, and Astra Zeneca, London, UK was listed as Swiss example in a brochure Achievements of FP7 examples that make us proud.
This brochure included "inspiring examples of the excellence and impact of research and innovation projects", contributed by country delegations, that were collected to support the discussion at the Informal Meeting of Ministers for COMPET (Research) 2016 in Amsterdam during the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the EU. The booklet was compiled to "show that investments in research and innovation, including short- and long-term investments, have a significant and real impact on Europe’s economy and society".