MaxWell Biosystems AG

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MaxWell Biosystems AG
Albisriederstrasse 253
8047 Zurich

phone: +41 79 387 1056
Email: external page

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MaxWell Biosystems has been founded on September 1st, 2016 in Basel by four BEL collaborators, Dr. Michele Fiscella, Dr. Urs Frey, Dr. Jan Müller and Dr. Marie E. Obien. 

MaxWell Biosystems develops and markets advanced electrophysiology platforms for cell assays in preclinical drug discoverysafety pharmacology and basic neuroscience research.

MaxWell Dish
  • Cell types: Neurons, cardiomyocytes, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC), others
  • Preparations: acute brain slice and retina, dissociated cell culture, organotypic slice culture, embryoid body
  • Applications: phenotype screening, detailed single cell analysis, multi-parametric network analysis, drug efficacy testing, toxicity testing 

MaxWell Biosystems’ first product, MaxOne, is based on a high-density microelectrode array (HD-MEA) developed at BEL, ETH Zurich. The HD-MEA features 26'400 electrodes, 1'024 readout channels and 32 stimulation channels. The large array, the high spatial density of the electrodes with a pitch of just 17.5 μm, and the low-noise recording amplifiers allow for resolving minute subcellular signals of, e.g., axons, while, at the same time, one can also record network activity. BEL has a long track record in developing CMOS-based microelectrode systems and in using them for neuroscience research. MaxWell Biosystems entertains close collaboration with BEL to further advance the technology and related neuroscience applications.

MaxWell Biosystems is an official ETH spinoff and is supported by the external page Venture Kick business competition and external page >>venture>>.

Open Positions: 

MaxWell Biosystems may have a position for you. Just have a look at their external page open positions.

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