Swiss OphthAWARD 2016 to Michele Fiscella

Keysuke Yonehara, Michele Fiscella, and Antonia Drinnenberg received Swiss OphthAWARD in category "Best Experimental Work" at annual meeting of Swiss Society of Ophthalmology in Interlaken.

Enlarged view: Michele Fiscella, Antonia Drinnenberg and Keysuke Yonehara at the award ceremony.
Michele Fiscella, Antonia Drinnenberg and Keysuke Yonehara at the award ceremony.  
Logo Swiss Ophth Award

Keysuke Yonehara, Michele Fiscella, and Antonia Drinnenberg received the Swiss OphthAWARD in the category "Best Experimental Work" at the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Ophthalmology in Interlaken. They received the award for their paper titled "Congenital Nystagmus Gene FRMD7 is Necessary for Establishing a Neuronal Circuit Asymmetry for Direction Selectivity" that has been published in the journal Neuron (Neuron 2016, 89(1), pp. 177-193).

The external pageSwiss OphthAWARD is a research prize annually awarded to scientists under the age of 44 years by the external pageSwiss Society of Ophthalmology (SSO). The Swiss OphthAWARD is endowed with CHF 10’000 and is given away for fundamental or clinical research in 3 categories: (i) best experimental work, (ii) highest clinical relevance, and (iii) jury's choice.

external pageNeuron article / external pageVideo abstract

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