Raziyeh Bounik receives "Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV)" grant from SNF

Raziyeh Bounik received an Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV) PhD-student grant of 135'000 CHF for 2 years from the Swiss National Science Foundation.


Raziyeh Bounik received an SNSF Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV) grant for her proposal entitled "Integration of CMOS sensors and circuits into microphysiological hanging-drop networks". In this project, she intends to develop a multifunctional CMOS sensor system chip that includes impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical sensing, and electrophysiology modules along with a custom designed multipurpose electrode arrangement on a single chip, and to integrate the CMOS chip into our hanging-drop platform. The grant amounts to 135 kCHF and includes her salary plus consumables for two years.

The external pageSNSFMarie Heim-Vögtlin program supported female doctoral students and postdocs in Switzerland, who had to interrupt or reduce their research activities due to family commitments. The last MHV call was in 2016, and there will be no further calls.

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