New dual-mode microelectrode system published in "Nature Communications"

New CMOS microelectrode system, featuring two simultaneously operated readout modes - full frame and switch matrix - for studying electrical activity and interaction of thousands of neuronal cells.
BEL contribution to article on retina organoids in "Cell"

BEL contributed large-scale electrophysiological measurements and corresponding data analysis to characterization of light-sensitive human retinal organoids, developed by Roska group at IOB. Results have been published in journal Cell.
Microtechnology enables physiologically relevant experiments

BEL Contribution to "Views" in Journal Cell Systems on how microfluidic and microfabrication approaches can contribute to enhance physiological relevance of experiments in biology and biomedicine.
Spinoff MaxWell Biosystems again among Top 100 Swiss startups

BEL spinoff, MaxWell Biosystems AG, founded 2016, reached rank 59 in the Swiss Top 100 Startup Competition 2020. MaxWell was listed as Biotech company.