BEL Spinoffs prominently represented at "10 Years Venture Kick" Celebration
BEL Spin-offs Zurich Instruments, InSphero, and MaxWell Biosystems were selected to pitch their success stories at "10 Years Venture Kick" celebration.

Venture Kick celebrated its 10-year anniversary on 29 November 2017 in Schlieren with 500 guests of the Swiss innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment community. The festivities included a startup exhibition, speeches, a concert and fashion show.
external page Venture Kick finances the first steps of the realization of a business idea with a total of up to CHF 130'000 in three rounds. In addition, the spin-off companies receive professional support of experienced experts. Since its inception in 2007, Venture Kick’s juries have held 310 sessions and judged 1’015 entrepreneurial projects. 522 startup projects have been supported with a total of CHF 21 millions. Selected members from a jury pool with more than 150 leading startup experts in Switzerland evaluate and support the startups. Each month, eight teams get the chance to present their startup project to a jury. The four most promising receive CHF 10’000 and qualify for the second round held three months later, where the two best teams receive another CHF 20’000. In the third and final round, the winner obtains seed funding of CHF 100'000. Overall, 108 teams and all three BEL spinoffs have received the maximum of CHF 130’000.
Twelve of the 522 startups that have been supported since 2007 were invited to pitch their success stories at the event, three of which were BEL spinoffs: external page Zurich Instruments, external page InSphero, and external page MaxWell Biosystems.
Moreover, based on public voting, Venture Kick selected ten high-impact startups that “have the power to change the world”, one for each of the ten years since the program started, so-called ”Global Shapers”. BEL spinoffs InSphero and MaxWell Biosystems were selected as external page Global Shapers for 2008 and 2016, respectively.
external page Venture Kick news