Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry is a technology that is used to analyze cells (mammalian, plant, yeast, bacteria), beads or other particles by detecting their optical properties like fluorescence and light scattering. For this purpose, labels such as fluorescent dyes, fluorescently labelled antibodies or the expression of fluorescent proteins are used as markers for biological properties of the cells.

Typically, a flow cytometer uses lasers directed onto a fluid or droplet stream of suspended cells. Each cell or particle is illuminated one by one at a speed of thousands of objects per second. The fluorescence signals are detected by multiple spectrally separated detectors. This enables to detect simultaneously many markers on each individual cell, which allows for example the typing and counting of cells and the characterization of their (patho-) physiological status. Instruments that fulfill this task are called Flow Cytometry Analysers.

The data gathered by these instruments characterizes the different population of cells in a given analyzed sample can also be used as criteria to sort those cells, i.e. to deposit the different identified cell types in separate sample containers. This sorting process also runs at a very high speed immediately after the analysis. Such purified cell suspensions are then used for further cultivation or for other biological/biochemical experiments. Instruments that perform flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting in one process are called Flow Cytometry Sorters. They are also commonly called FACS (fluorescence-activated cell sorting)-Machines.   

The SCF provides access to such state-of-the-art flow cytometry instruments, theoretical and practical training and cell sorting service.

Our aim is to provide high quality services in flow cytometry analysis and multiparameter cell sorting to all investigators at ETHZ D-BSSE, as well as to outside collaborators or companies.

We provide assistance for all aspects of flow cytometry projects: initial project planning, panel design and optimization, sample preparation and staining, instrument operation and data analysis.
We offer training for independent use of our analysis and some of our sorting instruments. Furthermore, we provide an operator-based sorting service.
Please note that prior to the start of new projects we need to arrange a meeting to discuss the setup and design of your sorting experiments. Advice regarding sample preparation, controls, collection devices to bring will be given. This will also give us the information needed to select the appropriate instrument and we can ensure that the sorter is appropriately configured for the fluorochromes in your sample.

To know more about the instruments please follow the link to our equipment.

Flow Cytometry Data Analysis

Our users have access to dedicated flowcytometry data analysis programs on PC and MAC workstations. The workstations are located in our analysis room 3.31 in Bldg. 1055. The latest versions of FlowJo software and the BD FACSDiva 8.1 are installed on these computers. These workstations can be reserved through our online booking system .


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