BC Cytoflex SRT sorter
The Beckman Coulter SRT is an easy to use sorter based on CytoFLEX technology (see also our BC CytoFLEX S analyzers). It is configured with 4 lasers (405, 488, 561 and 640 nm) and up to 13 fluorescent parameters plus forward and side scatter signal can be detected. This instrument is placed in a biosafety cabinet and can be used with BSL2-level samples. Cells can be sorted using a so-called deflected mode or more gentle by its straight mode that is ideal for single cell sorts. The instrument allows the possibility to collect also aborted events and to resort them providing so a better sort efficiency. The SRT is located in D1.1 and it can be self-operated by trained users.
Optical Configuration
Technical Information:
• Available nozzle sizes: 100um
• Sort setup modes: Purity, Single Cell (cloning), Enrichment
• 1-way sorting: 6-well plates, 24-well plates, 48-well plates, standard 96-well plates, 96-well deep well plates, 384-well plates, slides
• 4-way sorting: 4 x 5 mL tubes, 2 x 15 mL tubes and 2 x 5 mL tubes
• Temperature regulation for sample and collection