BD FACSDiscover S8
The BD FACSDiscover S8 is a cell sorter that allow to sort based on parameters acquired through spectral fluorescence analysis and on morphological parameters from scatter and fluorescence images of the cells/particles.
The spectral technology measures the full spectrum emission of the multicolor sample and through a mathematical algorithm called spectral unmixing allows the identification and separation of each specific fluorochrome. Thanks to this, more and also difficult to separate fluorescence markers can be analyzed. Fluorophores with near-identical peak emissions can be distinguished and used together in a multicolor panel. Furthermore, this technology can separate the signals of the labels much better from potential high autofluorescence of the sample cells than conventional flow cytometers.
The BD S8 Discover is equipped with five lasers (349 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 637 nm) and 78 fluorescence channels that cover the full spectrum.
The CellView Image Technology is used for high-speed imaging (up to 10 000 images per second) of the cells without a camera using PMT detectors. Images are obtained in three fluorescence and two scatter channels using blue laser (488nm) excitation.
The in-line analysis yields 18 morphological parameters that can be used in addition to the available spectral parameters to define the sort populations.
Technical Informations:
• Available nozzle sizes: 70um, 85um, 100um, 130um
• Possibility to sort up to 4 populations at the same time (4-way sort)
• Temperature regulation for sample and collection
• Several sort collection options:
15mL tubes (2-way sort only)
5mL, 2mL, 1.5mL tubes (up to 4-way sort)
384-, 96-, 48-, 24-, 12- and 6-well plates (1-way sort)
PCR tubes/strips/plates (1-way sort)
• Sort setup modes: Purity, Single Cell (cloning), Enrichment