7th BEL-PEL conference on emerging topics in science

Alumni and coworkers of BEL and PEL (former group of Prof. H. Baltes) met for a day to talk about emerging topics in science.
Dandelion Award for A. Hierlemann

Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award to recognize professors for outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich for A. Hierlemann.
Intracellular-like recordings from human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes

Arrays of hundreds of porous Pt-black-coated electrodes can be used to simultaneously record intracellular-like signals of cardiomyocytes at large scale repeatedly over extended periods of time.
Best poster award at EMBL "Microfluidics" Conference to Wei Wei

Wei Wei received best-poster Award at Microfluidics conference, organized by European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg, Germany for his contribution titled: "3D in vitro blood-brain-barrier model with integrated TEER-sensor for investigating the pathogenesis of cerebral ischemia".
EUROoCS conference best poster award to Jana Petr

Jana Petr received best-poster award at European Organ-on-Chip Society (EUROoCS) Conference in Grenoble, France, for her contribution titled "Microfluidic platform for continuous, high-resolution imaging of organotypic brain-tissue slices".
HD-MEAs for performing functional imaging of brain organoids

New BEL paper titled "Functional imaging of brain organoids using high-density microelectrode arrays" describes use of planar microelectrode arrays for characterizing human pluripotent-stem-cell derived 3D brain organoids.
Julia Boos received ETH medal

Julia Boos awarded ETH silver medal and 1500 CHF for her doctoral thesis titled "Microfluidic co-culture platforms for advanced embryotoxicity testing in vitro".
YouTube movie on microphysiological system and adoptive cell therapy

Movie explaining details of recent BEL paper on microphysiological system to advance adoptive cell therapy published on YouTube.
Group retreat in Beatenberg

First post-pandemic group retreat in Beatenberg, Switzerland.
Impedance-based platform for efficient screening of drugs against schistosomiasis

Cost-effective impedance-based platform and analysis pipeline for high-throughput screening of drugs against Schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease, has been developed.
Modeling and measuring metabolism of cancer spheroids in hanging drops

Use of integrated enzymatic glucose biosensors to conduct measurements within hanging-drops hosting carcinoma spheroids and a physics-based model to describe analyte consumption and transport.
Microphysiological system to advance adoptive cell therapy

Novel BEL microphysiological system helps to improve process of identifying potent anti-tumor immune cells and corresponding targets and bridges gap between in-vitro and in-vivo studies.