Doctoral Students under the old Ordinance

This information is only relevant to doctoral students who are completing their doctorate under the previous Ordinance on Doctoral Studies at ETH Zurich of 1 July 2008.

The 12 ECTS credits have to be confirmed before you register for the doctoral examination. We recommend to do that at least six months before your doctoral examination takes place.

To have your ECTS credits confirmed, please send an email to the D-BSSE Doctoral Administration by

  • listing all your courses, conferences, summer schools etc. that you would like to take into account
  • adding the corresponding proof of performance
  • attaching the filled Download form (PDF, 934 KB) for official confirmation (at this time only the first section "Confirmation of Acquired Credits for Doctoral Studies" is relevant)

About conferences, summer schools:
Please note, the proof of performance has to state e.g. your poster presentation or talk at a conference. It is not sufficient to send a confirmation that only states that you “attended”. If the confirmation does not give information about your performance, please also send additionally the programme or poster etc.

In general, please only send the documents once you have acquired the 12 ECTS credits. However, if you are unsure about your intended course selection, please feel free to contact the D-BSSE Doctoral Administration any time during your doctoral studies.

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