D-BSSE eSymposium _24 Nov 2020

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Engineering biology – where are we?

Synthetic Biology entered the scene 20 years ago with the vision to make the design of biology a true engineering discipline. Since then, we have seen remarkable stories of successful biological engineering, ranging from transferring nitrogen to E. coli, to engineering synthetic chromosomes, designer therapeutic cells, universal adapting controllers, and synthetic tissues. But how far are we on our way to “true” engineering of biology – and will we ever get there? Five exciting talks delve into the topic of engineering in biology and discuss some recent advances and challenges in this promising field.


_16:00 Mustafa Khammash, D-BSSE Control Theory and Systems Biology Lab, Talk: Self-adapting genetic circuits: Theory and implementation (15’)
_16:15 Timothy Frei, D-BSSE Control Theory and Systems Biology Lab, Flash talk: Addressing resource burden in mammalian cells (10’ followed by Q&A)

_16:30 Sven Panke, D-BSSE Bioprocess Laboratory, Talk: Bioengineering – between engineering and evolution (15’)
_16:45 Daniel Gerngross, D-BSSE Bioprocess Laboratory, Flash talk: Towards designing synthetic operons (10’, followed by Q&A)

_17:00 (08:00 West coast time): Wendell Lim, UC San Francisco, Center for Synthetic Immunology, CA, USA, Keynote: Learning to program cellular machines: harnessing cells to treat disease, build tissues, and elucidate design principles (45’, followed by Q&A)

Link to the YouTube recording

external page https://youtu.be/GEtCb_vTJEE

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