D-BSSE eSymposium _30 March 2021

Spatially resolved single-cell biology
The advent of single cell technologies in the last decade has enabled us to capture biological systems at cellular resolution and has transformed our understanding of tissue and organismal biology. We have learned that the relationship between cells and their spatial locations within tissues are critical for the understanding of homeostasis and pathophysiology. Our technical capabilities to study the spatial context of single cells is rapidly expanding – what is the current state of knowledge and which biological questions can we address now or will be addressed in the near future? Four diverse talks will discuss these questions in spatial single cell biology and will highlight some recent advances and challenges in this rapidly evolving field.
_15:30 Andreas Moor and Kristina Handler, D-BSSE Systems Physiology Lab. Talk: Sphere-sequencing reveals spatial relationships of single cells within tissues. (20')
_15:50 Barbara Treutlein and Tobias Gerber, D-BSSE Quantiative Developmental Biology Lab. Talk: Spatially-resolved transcriptomics on human organoids and gigantic single cells. (20')
_16:15 Roser Vento-Tormo, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK. Talk: Mapping the temporal and spatial dynamics of the human endometrium one cell at a time (30', followed by Q&A)
_17:00 Cole Trapnell, University of Washington, Seattle/WA, USA. Talk: Studying developmental robustness at whole-embryo scale and single-cell resolution. (30', followed by Q&A)
Link to recording on YouTube
external page https://youtu.be/ZdEW8DeNQnU