Immune-like cells against bacterial infections

Many community- and hospital-acquired bacterial infections are caused by antibiotic-resistant pathogens. One of those pathogens is the methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus, a major cause of severe blood poisoning. Researchers around D-BSSE Professor Fussenegger together with colleagues from the University Basel and the University Hospital in Basel developed designer cells which successfully combat bacterial infections.

The study was published in Cell on 21 June, and featured by a external page video abstract. Also find a external page media release (in German), and selected articles published by external page NZZ online (in German), external page 20 minutes (in French), external page Neue Zürcher Zeitung (in German).

Original publication

Liu, Y., P. Bai, A.-K. Woischnig, G. Chapin-El Harms, H. Ye, M. Solcher, M. Xie, N. Khanna, and M. Fussenegger (2018) external page Immunomimetic designer cells protect mice from MRSA infection. Cell;

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