Boosting the potential of engineered metalloenzymes

Replacing mineral oil-based chemistry with bio-engineered alternatives plays a key role in the establishment of a sustainable economy. A promising research area in synthetic biology are artificial enzymes containing metal ions, so-called metalloenzymes. An NCCR-funded research alliance between the Bioprocess Lab (Sven Panke) and the University of Basel (Thomas R. Ward) paves the way to systematically engineer such artificial metalloenzymes to tap their full potential for bioproduction.

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Latest research from the Bioprocess Lab: Boosting the potential of engineered metalloenzymes

Find the original publication on external page Science Advances:

Vornholt, T, F Christoffel, M M Pellizzoni, S Panke, T R Ward, and M Jeschek (2021) Systematic engineering of artificial metalloenzymes for new-to-nature reactions. Science Advances, external page doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abe4208

Learn about the Bioprocess Laboratory led by Sven Panke, and research in the Jeschek group.

Learn about the external page NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering.

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