Prototyping decoders: A computational method for designing synthetic circuits

Cells can respond to stimuli from their environment first by encoding and then by decoding the signal. The mechanisms and molecular networks of decoding short stimuli called transient signals remained a mystery. In Nature Communications, researchers from the Computational Systems Biology group led by Jörg Stelling now present a computational tool that explores thousands of circuit architectures. The method enables rapid prototyping of a synthetic short-pulse decoder in budding yeast.
“Some examples show that it is extremely beneficial to teach by way of a digital format”

One year ago, ETH teaching went virtual. Today, at D-BSSE online lectures are complemented by in-person experimental lab work. Many students only know by hearsay how sociable and lively the study and work atmosphere at D-BSSE used to be. How do students mentally prepare for the semester, and what do we take with us for the time after the pandemic? An interview with our D-BSSE Study Director Petra Dittrich.
All tumours are different - a lecture by Niko Beerenwinkel

As part of a public event series on “Tomorrow’s medicine” organised by Treffpunkt Science City, Niko Beerenwinkel, head of the Computational Biology Group, gave a lecture on the great genetic variety within and between tumours. Applying analytical and statistical tools, he explains why in oncology, therapies of the future will have to be personalised to address the molecular spread of tumour cells and hence increase treatment success. Watch the lecture (in German).
"We need to deal with the uncertainties in statistics" - blog post by Tanja Stadler

We look for certainty in uncertain times. But that is not something statistics can necessarily provide. Tanja Stadler explains why it is important to consider statistical uncertainty through describing the COVID-19 R value estimation which she performs for Switzerland.
INVITATION: D-BSSE eSymposium on Spatially resolved Single-Cell Biology

On 30 March 2021, 3:30-5:30 PM, D-BSSE is organising its 3rd public eSymposium around spatial single-cell biology. On invitation of the organisers Barbara Treutlein and Andreas Moor, Roser Vento-Tormo from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK, and Cole Trapnell, University of Washington, USA, will give their keynote addresses. Please forward this invite to colleagues who might be interested in the topic!
Cells as computers

Scientists around D-BSSE professor Kobi Benenson are working to develop information-processing switching systems in biological cells. Now, for the first time, they have developed an OR switch in human cells that reacts to different signals.
BSSE 2030: Call for participation!

As our move into the new building BSS is becoming more concrete D-BSSE is getting ready for the future! This process is going to be participative: the entire D-BSSE community is invited to get involved, share and conceptualise ideas, boost innovation and trigger the departmental development in order to make the D-BSSE robust, internationally competitive and fit for the future. Login to the Wiki-page and sign up before 19 March!
Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure

Randall Platt, Head of the Laboratory for Biological Engineering at D-BSSE, held a Tenure Track Assistant Professorship at ETH Zurich and the University of Basel; he has now been promoted to Associate Professor. His track record in research and teaching is quite successful and he has won a number of awards, including the 2019 Latsis Prize from ETH Zurich and an ERC Starting Grant. Congratulations, Randy!
Welcome to the D-BSSE, Luigi!

Luigi Serravalle, an experienced industrial engineer and facility manager at ETH Zurich, is now based in Basel at the D-BSSE, strengthening the facility management team responsible for the current campus on Rosental Mitte Areal and in particular, the new building BSS.