Engineering T-cell receptors for cancer immunotherapy
A study published by the Synthetic Immunology group of Sai Reddy presents a novel experimental and computational platform for engineering T-cell receptors. This work was led by Rodrigo Vazquez-Lombardi during his time as a postdoc at D-BSSE and became the foundational technology for the spinoff company Engimmune Therapeutics. Rodrigo has transitioned to the Chief Scientific Officer of Engimmune, which is applying the platform for engineering T cell receptors for cancer immunotherapy.
The Reddy group gratefully acknowledges the postdoctoral fellowship for Rodrigo was provided by the ETH-Domain initiative on external page Personalised Health and Related Technologies.
Find the original paper published by Immunity:
Vazquez-Lombardi, R, J S Jung, F S Schlatter, A Mei, N Rodrigues Mantuano, F Bieberich, K-L Hong, J Kucharczyk, E Kapetanovic, E Aznauryan, C R Weber, A Zippelius, H Läubli, and S T Reddy (2022) external page High-throughput T cell receptor engineering by functional screening identifies candidates with enhanced potency and specificity. Immunity,
Find information on Engimmune Therapeutics; on all D-BSSE spinoff companies.
Learn about the Synthetic Immunology lab led by Sai Reddy.
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