D-BSSE at the Scientifica in Zurich, 2-3 September 2023

Switzerland’s largest science festival Scientifica is dedicated to the theme “What holds the world together”. Jointly organised by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, D-BSSE is contributing to the exciting programme with four activities including thematic booths, a workshop for teenagers and a science café. Scientifica takes place on 2-3 September in Zurich.

Find out about the external page programme of Scientifica and in particular, the D-BSSE contributions by clicking on each image inserted below for further information:

Scientists from the group of Professor Mustafa Khammash invite teenagers and adolescents to learn about control theory and systems biology. Note that seats are limited and free tickets need to be acquired for this workshop. The workshop is also offered on 2 September, 15:15-16:15.
This booth is being organised by researchers around Professor Tanja Stadler.
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D-BSSE alumna Professor Catherine Jutzeler and Dr Sarah Brüningk will be available at the booth.
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D-BSSE alumna Dr Sarah Brüningk will be on the podium of this panel discussion.

Find more information about external page Scientifica.

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