Kickoff of Basel collaborative research hub: Engineering Translational Medicine

On 25 October, researchers from the D-BSSE, the University of Basel, the University Hospital and the University Children’s Hospital Basel met at the new ETH-building on Schällemätteli campus to mark the kickoff of a joint seminar series dedicated to translational projects and clinical applications. Spearheading the roll-out of the Engineering Translational Medicine research hub, this first event brought together experts from bench and bedside to spark innovative approaches and collaborations.

About 70 researchers showed a keen interest in this novel platform for interdisciplinary and inter-institutional exchange. The programme included expert talks by Professors Georg Holländer (University Children’s Hospital Basel and ETH Zurich), Petra Dittrich (ETH Zurich), Lukas Jeker (University Hospital Basel) and Mattia Zampieri (University of Basel). Each speaker concluded with a call for collaboration on specific research questions, triggering extensive discussions which continued during the subsequent networking Apéro.  

Photo of full semimar room at the D-BSSE building
Kickoff seminar for the collaborative research hub on Engineering Translational Medicine.

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