Full house at Personalised Health Conference

Today, we are hosting the Personalised Health Conference with an excellent lineup of keynote speakers: Adrian Egli, Director of the UZH-Institute of Medical Microbiology, Emma Slack, ETH-Professor for Mucosal Immunology, and Jacques Fellay, EPFL-Professor of Genomics and Precision Medicine. Scientists from the D-BSSE and the EU-funded network Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine also share their latest findings and perspectives on translational research and personalised health.


The conference is supported by D-BSSE, external page MLFPM (Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine), and the “Impulse investment for the expansion of cooperation between the ETH-Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering and the University of Basel” offered by the cantons Basel City and Basel-Landschaft.

Find the programme on the conference website.