Martin Fussenegger's Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research Group

Synthetic Biology: From Biotechnology to Human Therapy

Human diseases originate from spontaneous, environmentally-triggered or pathogen-induced perturbations of endogenous expression or signaling networks, and often result in disabling or fatal pathologies. Beyond administration of small-molecule drugs or biopharmaceuticals, currently available treatment concepts include reprogramming of genetic deficiencies using gene-transfer technologies, and implantation of engineered cells or tissues. Focusing on engineering of mammalian cells using synthetic biology principles we are designing the treatment strategies of the future.

Synthetic Receptors for Programmable i/o Relationships

We are creating synthetic receptors with adaptable ligand-binding domains to sense relevant soluble or surface-bound antigens. This can be combined with appropriate response modules to control expression of endogenous or exogenous genes.

Selected publications:
Scheller et al., 2018, external page Nat. Chem. Biol. 14: 723
Kojima et al., 2018, external page Nat. Chem. Biol. 14: 42

In the press:

external page The Scientist

Immuno-mimmetic Cells

We are genetically engineering easy-to-use non-immune cells with synthetic gene circuits so that they can mimic and boost immune cell function in the treatment of infection or cancer.

Selected publications:
Liu et al., 2018, external page Cell 174: 259
Kojima et al., 2018, external page Nat. Chem. Biol. 14: 42

In the press:
external page Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 20 Minuten, external page The Scientist

Synthetic Gene Switches

We keep increasing the collection of novel trigger-inducible transgene expression systems for precise dosing of in-situ production of protein therapeutics.

Programmable Biocomputers

We have been designing input-programmable genetic devices with digital expression logic that may interface and communicate with electronic devices.

Prosthetic Gene Networks

We have been assembling closed-loop metabolic control circuits that sense disease metabolites and coordinate therapeutic protein production in a seamless and automatic manner.

Cell-based Diagnostics

One of our aims has been to engineer cells with gene circuits to sense disease-relevant markers and respond by producing easily measurable outputs. These cells can be applied in diagnosis, either ex vivo, by exposing cells to human clinical samples, or in vivo, by implanting them in the body.

Synthetic Lineage Control

We have been designing synthetic cell-fate control gene circuits for rational programming of stem cell differentiation, as well as transdifferentiation of multipotent cells to achieve therapeutically relevant cell phenotypes for cell-based therapies.

Drug Discovery

In collaboration with biotech companies, we have been working on the discovery of novel cytostatic, immunosuppressive and anti-infective drugs using engineered mammalian sensor proteins and tissue culture systems.

Selected publications:
Sedlmayer et al., 2018, external page Nat. Commun. 9: 1822
Weber et al., 2008, external page PNAS 105: 9994

In the press:
external page Cell

Non-Neural Optogenetics

We have been developing synthetic photo-transduction cascades in mammalian cells such that light-controlled transgene expression can be used to program cellular and tissue behaviour.

Synthetic Gene Networks

Design of complex synthetic gene networks to program dynamic control of key metabolic networks in mammalian cells and tissues.

Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

Design of prototypic biopharmaceutical manufacturing strategies by integrating engineering of mammalian production cell lines for increased secretion of high-quality biologics with upstream process development.

Selected publications:
Auslander et al., 2014, external page Molecular Cell 55: 397
Fussenegger et al., 1998, external page Nat. Biotechnol. 16: 468

ERC Advanced grants (ElectroGene 2018; ProNet 2012), CTI/Innosuisse.

Enlarged view: Synthetic biology: mapping the scientific landscape
Oldham et al. 2012. Synthetic biology: mapping the scientific landscape. PLoS One, 7(4) e34368

If you want to join our lab for your Master Thesis, please send your application to (motivation letter, CV, and your transcripts).

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