Exciting D-BSSE contributions to Scientifica 2021

On 4 and 5 September, ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are organising #Scientifica, public research days, on the theme "Synthetic - naturally". D-BSSE will be present with four exciting contributions, including a Science Café on the question: "Why is COVID-19 not just a flu?", a workshop on the nature of gene technology, and two booths showcasing artificial intelligence for personalised health and how to control living cells by way of mathematics, engineering and synthetic biology.

Big thanks to the organisers/contributors from the groups of Karsten Borgwardt, Mustafa Khammash and Kobi Benenson!

Find information on the D-BSSE contributions:

Science Café: external pageWarum ist COVID-19 mehr als nur eine Grippe?

Workshop: external pageDie Kunst der Züchtung und die Natur der Gentechnologie

Booth display and installation "external pageMit lebenden Zellen sprechen"

Booth display and installation "external pagePersonalisierte Medizin durch künstliche Intelligenz"

Browse the entire external pageScientifica programme.

Learn about the research group of Karsten Borgwardt, Mustafa Khammash and Kobi Benenson.

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