ETH medal for excellent research: gene engineering | toxicity testing | wastewater monitoring
Florian Schmidt from Randall Platt’s lab and Julia Boos from the group of Andreas Hierlemann receive the ETH medal for their excellent doctoral theses on advancing the RNA-based transcriptional recording technology and embryotoxicity tests using microfluidic devices, respectively. David Dreifuss, student at the Department of Mathematics co-supervised by Niko Beerenwinkel, is honoured for his excellent Master’s thesis on SARS-CoV-2 variant monitoring in wastewater. Big congrats!

Julia Boos (2021) Microfluidic co-culture platforms for advanced embryotoxicity testing in vitro. Doctoral thesis, 2021.
Julia now is Postdoctoral researcher at the Bio Engineering group led by Andreas Hierlemann.

Florian Schmidt (2021) Transcriptional recording by CRISPR spacer acquisition from RNA (research embargoed until 16 August 2024). Doctoral thesis, 2021.
Florian now is Postdoctoral researcher at Biological Engineering lab led by Randall Platt.

David Dreifuss (2021) Detection and surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 genomic variants in wastewater. Master thesis 2021, former student at D-MATH, thesis co-supervised by Niko Beerenwinkel.
David now is Doctoral student at the Computational Biology group of Niko Beerenwinkel.
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