Barbara Treutlein receives renowned Friedrich Miescher Award

Barbara Treutlein, Head of the Quantitative Developmental Biology Lab, will be awarded the Friedrich Miescher Award 2023. The prize is Switzerland’s highest distinction for scientists under 40 working in the field of biochemistry.

This year, the Life Sciences Society LS2 honours the single-molecule biophysicist and single-cell genomics expert for her outstanding achievements in biochemistry. Barbara’s group uses and develops single-cell genomics approaches in combination with stem cell-based 2- and 3-dimensional culture systems to study human organogenesis.  

“Such a great honour! I want to thank all my lab members, past and present, for their dedication and for the exciting & fun environment they create! You are an amazing team!!”
Barbara Treutlein, Quantitative Developmental Biology Lab at D-BSSE, on Twitter

Her most recent work focuses on human brain development (see ETH News, 7.10.2022) and the regeneration of brain tissue after injury in axolotl salamanders (see D-BSSE News, 01.09.2022).

Find information on the external page 2023 Friedrich Miescher Award. The award will be handed over on 17 February at the ende of the LS2 annual meeting at Barbara's award lecture on "Understanding brain development and regegernation with single-cell technologies".

Learn about research in the Quantitative Developmental Biology lab.

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