The Newcomers Guide is a VMB initiative to help new D-BSSE members get acquainted with their new environment.

The Newcomers Guide is a VMB initiative to help new D-BSSE members get acquainted with the new environment. It contains useful information about working at D-BSSE and life in Basel.
Please take a look, navigate through the sections and locate interesting topics for you! We have put a lot of effort on generating this resource and we hope you will greatly benefit from it.
The Newcomers Guide will need to be periodically updated. Since this is a community effort, we would greatly appreciate if you get in touch with us to provide some feedback - corrections, new sections or any other suggestions will always be welcome! You can also help your peers by contributing to the next versions.
This document could not have been possible without the voluntary contribution of our fellow PhD students and postdocs.
- Septembre 2024 - Update led by Xenia Ficht
- April 2023 - Update by Simona Baghai, the Department Administration and the FaST team
- 2022 - Update by the Media Team (Simona Baghai, Nico Borgsmüller) and Fátima Sanchís-Calleja