Persons of trust

Trouble? Help!
ETH has a Code of Conduct that serves as a guideline of how ETH members should treat each other. ETH does not tolerate discriminaton, harassment, threat or violence; if you witness any of those you should react quickly and firmly. The webpage provides an overview on ETH’s positon and guidelines to follow in case of misconduct.
In your day-to-day life at D-BSSE, situations that might go beyond your professional experience may appear. In these cases, VMB can support you and address you to the right resources within ETH. We will keep your case confidential and will walk with you the next steps to take. You are not alone. If you have further questions or would like to know more about procedures and resources please contact one of our persons of trust:
- Elena Guido Vinzoni (PhD student, Moor group)
- Erkin Acar (Postdoc, Moor group)
- Filip Bochner (Postdos, Khammash group)
- Charlyne Buerki (PhD student, Stadler group)
Alternatively, you can send us an as an anonymous and/or analog way of communicating with the person of trust.
AVETH also has persons of trust and offers counselling.

Find the links for all the above points of contact in this wiki page (requires logging-in).
Other available institutional resources
- Psychological counselling services from UZH-ETH
Based in Zurich
Support in German, English, French, Dutch and Polish
Link: external page
- University of Basel Student Advice Center
Numerous resources, counselling support in Basel
Link: external page
- Studies & Health, ETHZ
Collection of resources at ETH (help and contact points, tips & tricks, stress tests and more)
- ‘Talk about it’
ETH initiative for self-awareness - face and overcome your problems!